"" Stephan said in a whisper.
How do you know him, if you don't mind me asking?"" She asked.
""Lets just say we had a war break out between ours and his pack.
"" ""Oh.
"" ""He's dead.
"" Tristan spat remembering the memories.
A smile role across her face and a tear slipped out of her eye.
"" She breathed out.
""I hated him.
He was so crazy about this girl.
"" ""Ya.
That was me.
"" I said quietly.
""You're Skylar?"" She asked in disbelief.
"" I popped the ""˜p.
' I moved out from behind the guys but they put their hands in front of my stomach.
""Guys I'm fine.
"" ""I don't want to take any chances.
"" Stephan said eyeing the girl.
""Guys, I would never.
"" She said putting her hands up.
I looked her in the eyes for any sign of lying, and I didn't even find a trace.
I smiled and stuck my hand out towards hers.
"" ""Jazmine.
But please call me Jaz.
"" She shook hand and smiled warmly at me.