He sighed and pulled me close. “We won’t give up, Beth. We’ll keep trying to get him into treatment. Hopefully, he’ll come around and be more enthused about running the business.”

Sadly, I wasn’t sure that was possible. But I couldn’t let that ruin the good thing I had going. I maneuvered myself over him, rubbing my pussy over his dick, loving how it started to thicken.

“Ready for round two?” he asked.

I nodded. “I want to ride my man bare.”

He let out a growl. “You know I love it when you talk like that.”

“Talk like what?” I rocked over him, getting him good and hard.

“When you say all the dirty things you want to do to me.”

“Like how I want to make you come in me?”

He groaned and sat up. “Yes.” He pulled me in for a hard kiss. “Tell me more.”

I cradled his cheeks in my palms. “I love you, Ash.”

He grinned. “What are you going to do about it?”

I pushed him back, taking his wrists in my hands and holding them over his head. “I’m going to ride you until you scream my name.” Then I sank over him, taking him deep.

He swore and bucked his hips up. Within minutes, he yelled out my name, and I cried out his. He tugged me closer. I rested my head on his chest, savoring the feel of his heartbeat under my cheek.

“You undo me, Beth.”

“That’s good, right?”

“It’s perfect.”


Ash – A week later

I was happy for Hunter and Grace as they tied the knot in a small ceremony at Niagara Falls. But as lovely as the event was, nothing outdid my Beth. As far as beauty and grace, she outdid everyone at the wedding. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. And when I did, they were on Hannah. What a fucking miracle she was. It still pained me how much of her life I’d missed, but now I was able to focus on the time I had with her without lamenting the past. She was smart and beautiful like her mother. When she got older, I’d buy a shotgun to keep all the boys away from her.

She sat on my shoulders as Beth and I watched Hunter lead Grace to the dance floor.

“They’re a beautiful couple,” Beth said. “They look happy.”

She was right. I didn’t think I’d ever seen Hunter so happy in my whole life, but especially since he came back from fighting in Iraq. Still, he and Grace didn’t hold a candle to my Beth.

I leaned over and kissed her temple. “You’re the most beautiful woman here. And I’m pretty sure I’m the happiest person here.”

She smiled up at me with love in her eyes. “You’re biased.”

“Am I wrong?” I said quirking a brow.

“Yes. I’m the happiest.”

My heart did that hard thump and roll that it always did when emotions filled it.

“Are you and Mommy getting married too?” Hannah asked.

“Not today, baby,” Beth answered. “But soon. And you’ll be in the ceremony.”

“Yay.” Hannah paused for a moment and then said, “When I grow up I want to marry you too, Daddy.”

Okay, that was weird, but the childhood development and parenting books I’d been reading nonstop since finding out I was a father indicated that it wasn’t unusual.

Not sure how to answer, I just said, “Don’t grow up too fast, cutie pie.”

“Can we dance too?” Hannah said, already moving on to the next topic, thank fuck… ah… thank goodness.

“Sure. As soon as it’s okay for the rest of us to join in, we will,” I said.

Over the last couple of weeks, I often woke in the morning with a start, wondering if my life was real. Had Beth coming back into my life been a dream? I’d jerk my head looking for her every morning and was filled with a joy I couldn’t imagine when I’d see her beautiful body sleeping next to mine. Even six years ago at the beach, I don’t think my love for her was as all-consuming as it was now. It wouldn’t be too long before we made it official, and Beth would finally become my wife. As far as I was concerned, it couldn’t happen soon enough.

The only downside to my life at the moment was Ben’s continued animosity toward me. Beth assured me that he was never negative about me in front of Hannah, but that didn’t change the fact that he still hated my guts. The fact that I was working my ass off to get his father’s company back on track only served to make him hate me even more. In some ways, I couldn’t blame him. Since he didn’t like me, it was probably like salt on a wound to have me swoop in and fix things. At the same time, a little gratitude over saving his father’s legacy didn’t seem like too much to ask.