“I don’t want the fucking house,” he’d said when I told him that Ash had given it to us. “Not like that.”

“You’re a pigheaded jerk,” I said. “He’s being a better friend than you ever were.”

“I never slept with—”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Ben. We love each other. We have a beautiful daughter. It’s time to let it go.”

He was even less thrilled about the idea of the Raven family buying our business. He reluctantly accepted the Raven’s purchase of McAdams Enterprises but was right that our dad would have hated it. Ash’s father wasn’t too excited about it either, and Ash was still having some difficulty with his father over the purchase. Clearly our fathers had a complicated relationship that made both Ash I wonder why they were so invested in keeping us apart.

Fortunately, his brothers were supporting him, and I was sure it wouldn’t be long before the company was absorbed by Raven Industries. It wouldn’t be saved the way Ben had wanted, but at least it would be saved. Many people would keep their jobs. We’d be able to do more for Morgan and her mother as well.

The next weekend we’d be going to Niagara Falls to attend Hunter’s wedding. Hannah was thrilled to go to see a huge waterfall. I was grateful that we were accepted into the family, especially considering all that had happened between Ash and me.

It was Saturday and Ash loaded us up in his car and drove us out to Coney Island for the Mermaid Parade. Hannah was beside herself with excitement.

“I hope she doesn’t explode,” I said looking at her vibrate with anticipation in the backseat.

He reached over and took my hand, bringing it to his lips. “As long as my girls are happy, that’s all that matters.”

He was the biggest romantic. I still kicked myself at my stupidity for nearly losing him.

The parade was filled with mermaids and other sea creatures. We had Nathan’s hotdogs for lunch and perused the boardwalk. It was the type of day a family spent together. My family growing up hadn’t. My father was absent most of my life. But Ash was insistent that we were going to be different from our parents. He was attentive to me and Hannah. I just hoped that he felt the same love and attention from Hannah and me as we felt him shower on us.

After lunch, Ash loaded us all in the car again and we made the two-hour drive out to the Hamptons.

“What is this house, daddy?” Hannah said from the backseat as we pulled into his family’s large beach home.

“This is our beach house,” he said parking the car.


“Well, my family’s. You know, my brothers and I used to spend time with your mom and uncle Ben out here.” He looked at me, and I knew he was thinking of our summer together six years ago.

“We had a perfect summer,” I said.

“And now we’ll have a perfect life,” he responded.

“Can we go to the beach?” Hannah said, unclipping herself from her booster seat belt.


That evening, Hannah was exhausted from our long day at the parade and then on the beach. I watched as she fell asleep in one of the kid’s guest rooms while Ash read her a book.

He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Goodnight my little mermaid.” He shut her door and walked with me downstairs. “How about some wine outside?” he asked.

“Sounds perfect.”

I waited for him on the large deck, admiring the gorgeous view of the ocean and how the moon shone on the water, making it glitter like diamonds.

“I think Hannah had a good time,” he said handing me a glass of wine.

“I know she did. You’re going to spoil her.” I clinked my glass with his.

“Isn’t that my job? Spoil my girls?”

“I can’t say I mind it too much,” I admitted.

He studied me for a minute. “You know this is forever, right?”

My heart skipped a beat. “It is for me.”

“You have doubts about me?”

I shook my head. “I have no doubts about you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. You’re my one and only, Ash.”

He grinned. “I like the sound of that.” I nodded toward the ocean. “This is where it all started.”

“Yes. I’ve never forgotten that summer. Even without Hannah as a reminder, I’d have never forgotten.”

His smile was sweet and he pulled me in close for a tender kiss. “Me neither. Which is why I want to spoil you with one little thing.”


He reached into his pocket and pulled out a platinum ring with the most beautiful diamond solitaire with a halo of smaller diamonds around it. “You’re my one and only too, Beth. Let’s make it official. Marry me and we can be a real family.”

Tears swam in my eyes as my love poured out of me. “Yes. Oh, Ash, yes.” I flung myself into his arms. “You’re my dream come true.”