“You’ll need to go on the pill or want another child.”

Her eyes lifted to mine and in them I saw love and awe and gratitude.

“You know, when I’d realized I’d forgotten to use a condom the first time, I panicked,” I said, playing with a strand of her hair. “Then I wished to hell you were pregnant because I thought for sure that would mean we’d be together.”

Her hand rubbed over my heart. “I wanted you to know.”

I took her hand and kissed it. “I know. Our parents fucked things up for us, but now it’s up to us, right? No one… not my dad, not Ben… can stop this, right?”

“Right. It’s a done deal. Inevitable.”

I smiled. “Now, try not to make me come when you put the condom on me.”

“I’ll try.”

I gritted my teeth as she rolled it on, and then I switch our positions, pulling her underneath me. I hooked my hand under her knee, and lifted it, opening her to me.

“Tell me again, Beth,” I said as I pressed my tip to her entrance.

Her fingers ran through my hair. “I love you, Ash.”

“Fuck yeah!” I pressed in, filling her one long slow thrust that had us both gasping. When I was inside her as far as I could go, I gazed down on her. “I love you too.”

Her smile was so beautiful that I wished I had a camera to save the image for posterity. I kissed her, wanting to complete the circuit of our bodies. Then I started to move slowly to take us up little by little. I watched her face, loving the pleasure that crossed it each time I pushed in and hit her clit.

“Ash,” she said on a gasp.

“You like this?”

“Yes.” Her hands gripped my back. “It’s like the first time. Remember?”

“I’ve never forgotten.” I withdrew and pressed in again.

“We made Hannah that night. Our love made her.”

Emotion swelled, making my chest feel full. “She’s a miracle.”

“Someday, we’ll make another baby,” she said as I ground my hips against hers. The idea of planting my seed in her made my cock swell even more.

“Someday, sweetheart.” I kissed her again, and then I levered up on my hands as need took over and I picked up the pace. Each time I thrust in, the friction grew, and her body tightened. “Come on me, Beth. Take me over with you.”

“I want this to last forever,” her fingers dug into my backside as she pulled me deeper with each thrust.

I wasn’t sure if she meant this moment or us in general, but either way, I was in agreement.

“Oh God, Ash… I’m coming.”

Her body squeezed my cock making me gasp as the hot flash of heat that spiked. “Me too, baby… ah… right there.” It felt like a bomb detonated in my dick as my orgasm blasted through me.

“I love you, I love you, I love you,” Beth chanted as our bodies danced in pleasure. Her words wrapped around me, like a soothing balm to my soul. I believed her.


Beth – Tuesday

When I woke the next morning, my heart dropped. It had been a dream. I was in an empty bed. But when I looked around the room, I realized I was in Ash’s bedroom, not the guest one I started my night in. Then I heard the shower running.

I got out of bed, and crept to Hannah’s room to check on her. She was out like a light. It was just five-thirty so we had between a half hour to forty-five minutes before she’d be getting up.

I went back to Ash’s room, locking the door and then grabbing a condom out of his side drawer. I made a mental note to make a doctor’s appointment to go on the pill.

I went into the bathroom and for a minute, just watching the sexy man in the shower. Water sluiced down his skin. His back was firm, his ass taut, and I wanted to lick every inch of him.

I stepped into the shower behind him.

“Oh… hey, hi.” He turned to look at me.

For a moment I wondered if perhaps he was having next morning regrets. But then he smiled. “Can’t get enough of me, huh?”

“Never,” I said, running my hands down his chest, and then over his dick which was already getting hard. “Tell me this is because of me. Or were you jerking off your morning woody in the shower.”

“That’s all you honey.” He grinned.

“I want it inside me.”

Heat flashed wild in his eyes. “As you wish.” He took the condom and rolled it on. He kissed me hard, and I could taste his feral desire. He wanted me. And good God, I wanted him so bad, I was going to come just from the need.

His fingers slid through my pussy lips. “I want to fuck you from behind.”