“Because even not talking, you’ll know we’re here for you,” she said.

“Ash is the most introverted of us,” Hunter said, carrying a tray of three coffees and handing them out. “He doesn’t say much.”

“You’re the one that always communicated via scowls,” I said, inhaling the scent of the dark brew and then taking a big sip, needing the jolt.

“I don’t like to talk much either.”

Grace pursed her lips together. “You were pretty chatty when I met you. I think you focused on your sexual exploits and my breasts.”

Hunter’s cheeks turned red. “Passive-aggressive.”

“Me or you?” Grace quipped.

“Both, baby, both.” He leaned over and gave her a kiss. How I envied them. Last night, I thought I had that. Now I had nothing. No, not nothing. I had a daughter. My heart flipped in my chest. I loved that little girl instantly.

Next to me, they were quiet until Grace sighed and said, “You should really keep this place.”

“Why do you even want to sell it?” Hunter asked.

“Like I said, I should probably cut back.”

“Jet is doing gangbusters. You have other investments.”

I looked over at them, not wanting to talk and yet, I did want to know what they knew. “What did Kade tell you?”

“You accosted dad demanding if he knew about Beth’s kid.” Hunter’s sharp eyes looked at me. “Your kid.”

Grace put her hand on mine. “You didn’t know?”

I shook my head, and swallowed the emotions that threatened to overwhelm me from how much had been taken from me.

“What are you going to do?” Hunter asked. Grace gave him a look like that wasn’t the right question, but I’d rather answer that than delve into my feelings.

“I’m going to be a dad. I’m going to see if I can visit her today.” I shook my head and closed my eyes as fear stabbed me in the gut.

“What’s going on?” Grace said quietly.

“What if she doesn’t like me? I’m her dad and she doesn’t even know me.”

“I think you’ll find that kids are very open people. And I suspect she’ll be very excited to have a dad,” Grace said.

“Beth wasn’t ever going to tell me.” That was the crux of my pain, I realized. I’d been ready to give everything I had, everything I was, to Beth, but she’d planned the whole time to skip town and never let me know I was a father. I looked at Grace, who had the most insight into people of anyone I’d ever met. “What is it about me that would have her think I wasn’t good enough?”

“It’s bullshit,” Hunter said sharply, earning him another look from Grace.

She turned back to me. “I doubt her decision had much to do with you, Ash. Mothers can be fiercely protective—”

“I would never hurt her.” I bristled at her insinuation.

“I know, and they can be selfish. She’s had five years to raise the child alone, believing things about you—”

“That weren’t true. I get that. I can even forgive that. But we’ve been seeing each other for weeks and she didn’t say anything. Hell, she hadn’t even let on she was a mom. I found out by accident.”

“I don’t know Beth, but I suspect she was afraid,” Grace explained.

“Of me?”

“Of what could happen. Would you reject the child? Would you take the child from her?”

“See,” I pointed a finger at Grace. “What is it about me that makes you think I’d do either of those things?”

“Nothing, man,” Hunter said.

“It’s not about you,” Grace continued. “It’s about her fears. About her wanting to protect her child.”

“Well, she’d going to have to learn to share, because there’s nothing that will keep me from that little girl.” I reminded myself that I needed to contact a lawyer. I wanted to protect my rights, and I wanted her to have my name.

Grace had a sweet smile as she looked at me. “What is she like?”

Immediately, I felt the tension dissipate as I thought of Hannah. “She’s like an angel. She favors Beth in looks, but she’s got the shape of my eyes. Oh, and a little dent in her chin like mine,” I pressed my finger into my chin.

“I can’t wait to meet her,” Grace said. “Not to get too psychological on you, but take your time with her. She’ll likely be excited to have a father, but as you said she doesn’t know you. She might need time to adjust, not just to you, but to the family.”

I nodded. “I understand.”

“When do you see her again?” Hunter asked.

“I’m going to text Beth to see if I can visit today. Now that I’m unemployed.”

Hunter shook his head. “We’ll see how long that lasts. Chase, Kade, and I are supposed to meet about the McAdams thing. Under the circumstances, do you want to let that go?”

The petty part of me wanted to let Beth and Ben suffer the consequences of their behavior, but they were Hannah’s family. And I wasn’t a very petty person. “No. I stand by it being a good deal.”