“You’re going to tell her, so I’m assuming he knows?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“And.” Ben prodded me.

“He didn’t take it well, as you might expect.”

Ben closed his eyes and when they opened, they looked pained. “We don’t have the resources to fight him, Beth.”

“We won’t have to. As it turns out, only you and I are the petty ones.” I laughed sadly. “He was truly hurt that I thought he’d try to take her.”

“He might say that now—”

“I trust him, Ben. And it’s done. It’s out. I’d like to talk to Hannah about it now.”

He nodded and sat in a chair across from the couch. I lifted a brow. “I’m here for support.” He said.

“Hannah-Banana, remember when you asked me about your daddy?”

“Yep.” She looked at me with her sweet eyes.

“Well, I didn’t tell you the whole truth about that and I’m very sorry.”

Her brows knitted together. “Why?”

“I was worried and selfish. But I want to tell you now. Ash, the man that was with me at the hospital… ”

“He put me in my bed.”

“Yes. That’s right. Honey, Ash is your daddy.”

She stared at me for a moment. “Because you’re getting married?”

God if only. “No baby. He’s not going to be your stepdad, he’s your real dad.”

Her little lip quivered. “Why was he gone? Didn’t he want me?”

“Oh no, baby. He didn’t know about you just like you didn’t know about him until tonight.”

She looked around the room. “Where is he? He left because he doesn’t want me?”

My heart was breaking and I wondered what I’d been doing wrong as a mother for her to automatically assume he didn’t want her. “Oh baby, he does want you. He wanted you even before he knew he was your daddy.”

“Why’d he leave?”

I brushed a tear that fell on her plump cheek. “You were sleeping and he was upset. Remember I told you I hurt him. I hurt him by keeping the secret. He’s so sad that he’s missed so much of your life already. He needed some time to think.”

“Will he be back?”

“Yes, baby.” I pulled her close. “Oh honey, you’re going to have the best daddy ever.”

“Since he’s your boyfriend, will we be a real family?”

I heard Ben scoff, but luckily, he kept his mouth shut. Just to be sure I sent him a deadly glare.

“No honey. I don’t think so. But he’s going to be a great daddy. And the good news is, we’ll stay in New York. You want that don’t you?”

“So, he’s putting you up like some kept woman.”

“Keep quiet or leave,” I said tersely to Ben. “You and I have hurt the one ally we had. The one person who believed in us and would have helped us.”

“I don’t want or need his help.”

“That’s the thinking that has got us where we are. We were both selfish and cruel.” I laughed derisively. “We don’t deserve him. But Hannah does and I won’t let you speak ill of him. From now on, you keep your mouth shut or you can leave.”

His jaw tightened and he stood. “He’s not a knight in shining armor.”

“He’s better than us,” I quipped.

When he left the room, I held Hannah close.


“Yes, baby?”

“When will I see my daddy again?”

I kissed her head. “Soon. Maybe tomorrow.”

“Can I call him daddy?”

My heart ached at the beauty and sadness of our situation. “I think he’d love that.”

I held her for a few minutes more until she was nearly asleep. Then I put her to bed and went to the kitchen. Ben was drinking a cup of coffee from the pot I’d made when I hoped Ash and would stay to talk things out.

“What happens now?” he asked looking up at me.

“I don’t know.”

“The house is sold. Maybe you should go live with him,” he said. I wondered if maybe Ash taking care of me was what he wanted. It would be one less burden on him.


“Yep. Full price. Some LLC,” he said.

“Pretty expensive investment property, but at least it’s sold and covers the outstanding mortgage.”

He looked up at me and I saw another completely broken man. “It’s very strange to be excited about having zero money.”

“It’s better than owing.” I sat across from him. “What are you going to do?’

“Right now, we’ve still got the office building so I can stay there until the bankruptcy is done. Then I don’t know. What about you? Now that he knows, he’ll provide for you. You can have your happily ever after.”

I shook my head, and sadness swept through me again.

“Hey.” He put his hand on mine. “Did he hurt you?”

“No, Ben. I hurt him. I hurt him beyond repair. I know he’ll provide for Hannah, but I killed whatever feelings he had for me.” I let out a cry. “He said he loved me. Oh God… and I never said it back. Ben, I’m the worst person.” I wept again.