Beth – Sunday

Once again, Ben pulled a disappearing act after his altercation with Ash. I couldn’t be sure if he was embarrassed or just wanted to avoid a confrontation with me. Either way, I had to accept his behavior. He was right; I wasn’t his mother. My job was to care for Hannah.

When my phone rang, I thought it was him, but then I saw Ash’s name on my caller ID. My brain said not to answer it. My heart, or maybe it was my hormones, vetoed that idea.


“Beth. Hi, it’s Ash.”

“Yes, hi.”

“I want to see you. I need to talk to you.”

Again, that tug of war between my head and heart raged on. “Ben isn’t here.”

“Just you. Tonight. Have you eaten?”

“Not yet.”

“Come over to my place. I’ll send a car for you. In fact, it’s on its way.”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Feeling sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

“I’m hopeful. Will you come?”

“Yes.” I had to face the truth. I was drawn to him. To his smile. To his generosity. And yes, to his sexy body. I was playing with fire, and yet I couldn’t seem to stop myself. “I need a few minutes.”

“Take as long as you want. I’ll be here.”

My heart broke open at the way his voice sounded when he said those words. It was almost as if he was saying more. Like he was promising me forever. Don’t overthink this, Beth, I warned myself.

When I got off the phone, I called Morgan about watching Hannah.

“I’m on my way,” she said when I told her about Ash’s call.

“I feel like I’m using you.”

“Don’t. I’ll be there ASAP.”

I went upstairs and checked in on Hannah who was reading a book to her dolls.

“Mommy is going out tonight. Morgan will be here soon.”

“Are you seeing Ash?”

My heart stuttered in my chest. She’d heard me talking about him with Morgan, but I hadn’t realized she’d retained the conversation.


“Is he your boyfriend?”

God, where did she learn this stuff? “No. I’m going to change,” I said, wanting to get away from having to explain my relationship with Ash.

We were eating at his place, but that didn’t mean I shouldn’t look nice. Then again, I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard. I decided on a casual lavender dress, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to put on lacy underwear.

When Morgan arrived, she was carrying a grocery bag. “I’ve been expanding my culinary skills. Hannah is going to be my sous chef tonight.”

I laughed. “She’ll love that. Thank you again for coming on short notice.

“Of course. It’s for a great cause. Ash makes you happy. There’s no nobler cause than that.”

I snorted. “You’re hopeless.”

She grinned. “I am. A hopeless romantic. I’m rooting for you and Ash.”

I gave Hannah a kiss and reminded her to behave, and then I walked out the front door where Ash’s car was waiting. We wove through the city to Greenwich Village, stopping on Charles Street. As Ash’s driver opened the door for me, Ash appeared out of the building.

“Welcome to my humble abode,” he said leaning in to kiss my cheek.

Humble wasn’t the right word. My family’s business owned a lot of real estate so I knew a little something about the value of property. This place, on the Hudson, had to be worth twice as much as our townhome. When Ash led me to the main living area of the triplex, I amended my estimate. This had to be three times or even quadruple the value. The main living area was huge with floor to ceiling windows all around, providing a 360-degree view of the Hudson and New Jersey, downtown Manhattan and the Freedom Tower, and then east looking over the Village. The terrace seemed to wrap around the area as well, making the space seem even larger.

“You must have fantastic sunset views from this room,” I said not able to stop gaping. This was the type of luxury I’d grown up in, but after two years of living away from it, it felt like another world.

“They are spectacular.”

As I looked around the space, I saw evidence of technology as well. “Do you have a robot for a maid?”

He laughed. “Not yet. But I can talk to the place. Turn on and off the lights, music, get the news, you know…” He took my hand, and it felt so natural. It was like it had been six years ago when we’d meet on the beach. “Want a tour?”


He showed me around all the levels. Each room had a spectacular view and tons of books.

“I see you still like to read.”

“Yes, when I have time.” He grabbed two wine glasses from the kitchen and a bottle of wine from his cooler and led me to the terrace. The sun had set and now the view sparkled with lights. It took my breath away as did the man who handed me a glass of wine.