“I understand that.”

“But if you want to help your friend in his business and to get clean, you can’t be with his sister because that’s clearly a betrayal in his eyes. He won’t accept your help.”

I dropped my head back realizing she was likely right. “So, I can’t do both? Be with her, be his friend, all the while helping save them financially.”

“You’re a warrior like my man,” she said with a smile. “I’m not saying you can’t. I’m saying it will be difficult. First, you’d have to fix the friendship enough that he’d accept your help and that will be hard if you’re with his sister.”

“I’d think he wants her to be happy. I really feel like I could do that.”

“I’m sure he does want her to be happy. But remember, his thinking is clouded with booze. And if his financial world is falling apart, he’s worried about that on top of everything. I’m sure it’s like salt in a wound to see you doing what he can’t.”

I remembered how he accused me of being perfect.

“And, as you said, it doesn’t sound like she’s ready to let you back into her life either.”

“I’m well and truly fucked.” I closed my eyes and then opened them. “I’m sorry.”

She laughed. “Are you kidding? I think Hunter holds the world record for using that word.”

As if she conjured him over, Hunter appeared. Grace stood, and he put his arm around her, kissing her on the temple. “She’s the best, right?”

“She is.”

He frowned. “She’s mine.”

I laughed and so did she.

“Don’t worry. He’s in love with someone else,” she said to Hunter.

Hunter grinned. “Good. I won’t have to kick your ass.”

“You’d have to get in line,” I said, standing needing to take a break.

“Ben still being a jerk?”

“He has a right to be mad. I just wish he’d accept my apology and realize how I feel about Beth.”

“Don’t give up,” Grace said. “Love and friendship are worth fighting for. Don’t give up.”

I watched the two of them as they walked over to the buffet to have some hor d’oeuvres Sara had set out. Hunter pulled her to him, whispered something that made her smile and return his kiss.

I looked over at Chase, who stood behind Sara with his hands on her shoulders. He leaned forward, whispered something to her and kissed her on the cheek. I was happy for them, even as I was envious. Beth and I could have that, dammit. And Ben could be a part of it. We could all be a family.

I made my way to the terrace to get a breath of fresh air as my mind whirled with ideas about what I could do. I was eager to leave so I could find Beth and make my plea. I felt like I’d been clear about my feelings and intentions, but I hadn’t been direct. Next time I saw her, I’d lay it out. How I felt and what I wanted. Maybe then she’d forgive me and give me a second chance to show her that I meant what I said on the beach six years ago. Maybe she’d believe that I wanted us to have what we’d planned back when we were young and naïve about life. Even then, we understood love.

Once I earned her love and trust, together we could help Ben. I wasn’t sure that would work. Grace was right that just seeing me with Beth seemed to set Ben off. But if I showed him how much I loved his sister, and valued his friendship, by helping him save his family’s legacy, maybe eventually, he’d come around.

I was excited and eager to get started on my plan, but first, I had to excuse myself from dinner with my family. As I re-entered the living area, I noticed Kade, the only bachelor Raven beside me. He was chatting amiably with Hunter. It was interesting that he wasn’t being as big of an asshole lately as he used to be. As the baby of the family, he’d always been spoiled rotten. He was often rude and obnoxious.

But over the last couple of weeks, since Sara enacted our family dinners, he seemed to have settled down a bit. Not that his immature side didn’t ever come out. Now, it was usually reserved for meetings we had at the office. I think for most of us, there were moments when our old selves wanted to lash out then too. Thanks to dad and his manipulation. But over the last few months, we learned to listen and work together. We were forming a united front. Working as a team.

I hoped that the team would back me up in working to save Ben and Beth’s business and bring them into the family fold. I knew they could be an asset, assuming Ben could get his drinking under control. And I knew Sara and Grace would take Beth in as a sister of sorts. I suspected that being on the cusp of financial ruin meant all her old friends had shunned them. This could work. It had to work. God, please let it work, I thought as I made my excuses, and headed out.