He nodded. “He said, ‘Well, when it’s your time, Cam, I guess I’ll see you in hell.’ I don’t doubt he’s right.” He came back to the desk. “It’s nice you want to help Ben and Beth, but this isn’t a good business deal. If you want to help, go marry Beth.”

I nearly did a spit-take.

Kade grinned and then frowned. “Wait, that would make me the only bachelor brother.” Then he shrugged. “More women for me, I guess.” He downed his drink and put his glass on the bar. “I think we should look closer at this dad.”

“I already said—”

“You’re biased,” Kade interrupted. “You always said, don’t let emotion get in the way. What you two need is an outside opinion. I’ll bring this to Chase and we can look it over. Hunter too. Let us decide.”

“Sounds fair,” I said. I knew my brothers were clever and creative enough to see the value in the business.

My father shrugged. “Let them see what they can do with it. But I’m telling you, even the Titanic couldn’t be saved. As grand as she was, she sunk.”

As I was leaving, Kade rode the elevator down with me.

“Thanks for backing me up,” I said.

“I haven’t yet. I’m intrigued, but I can’t make any promises.”

“I understand. I still appreciate your taking a look.”

He cut me a glance. “So, what’s the deal with Beth. She was the one dad made you break off with?”

I nodded. “I didn’t know you knew about that.”

“Chase said dad had made you cut ties with a woman when he brought you into the business. I remember seeing you and Beth hang out some over that summer, but I was still in college, so I didn’t know what had happened or that you two were a thing.”

“It was her.”

“And now? You still like her.”

I scrubbed a hand over my face. “I don’t think I ever stopped liking her.”

“Ben’s alright with his friend being with his sister?”

I scoffed. “Not even a little bit.”

“Ouch. Dad’s new deal must have fried your ass, huh? I mean, you had what he said he wants now, but he took that from you.”

I nodded. “That about says it.”

“So, what are you going to do? Is saving her business some grand gesture?”

I shook my head. “Not the business. I just feel bad for them. It’s not their fault the business is struggling. At least not entirely,” I said as I thought of Ben and his drinking problem. “I think it could be a good asset for us, and give them a new lease on life.”

“You were always the sappiest one of us.”

I smiled, taking the barb. “Hunter’s gotten pretty sappy.”

Kade thought about that for a moment. “You’re right. Chase is a close second.”

“What’s wrong with sap anyway,” I asked. “You have something against love?”

“I can’t imagine any woman making me lose my mind the way the rest of you have.”

I smiled as the doors opened to let us out of the lobby. “Ah little brother, I look forward to the day when a woman makes you lose your mind.”


Beth – Saturday

I headed to Morgan’s apartment near Inwood to pick up Hannah the next morning. Ben was sleeping off his bender, and if I was lucky, he’d forget about catching me having sex with Ash on the couch. I still couldn’t believe what happened last night and how close Ben had come to exposing my secret about Hannah. For a man who wanted Ash out of our life, he nearly made sure Ash would be a permanent part of it.

When I arrived, I knocked, and heard a “Come in.” I opened the door and walked in. Morgan was making breakfast in the tiny kitchen, while Hannah was sitting at the table coloring.

“Mommy! Look at my picture.” She held up a paper with a picture of two people that I guessed were me and her.

“Oh, it’s wonderful,” I said kissing her on the head. “Thank you so much, Morgan.”

“No prob. You know I love this little munchkin. You’re just in time for breakfast.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to be in the way.”

“Sit.” Morgan brought a plate filled with pancakes and bacon and set it on the table.

“Yeah!” Hannah bounced up and down in her chair. “Can I have syrup and powdered sugar?”

Morgan looked at me with guilty eyes. “Ah…”

“Really? You let her have both?” I asked taking a seat next to Hannah.


I rolled my eyes, but since we were in Morgan and her mother’s apartment, I didn’t feel I could veto the move. Of course, I was going to be the one dealing with Hannah’s sugar high.

“Yum!” Hannah said as she sprinkled powdered sugar on her pancake and then doused it in syrup.

“How is your mom?” I asked opting for a little butter and less syrup.

Morgan sat with us. “She’s still in bed. She’s tired. More than usual, but she’s a fighter.”