I picked up the phone, feeling surly at the idea that she’d want to avoid me. The minute her angelic voice answered, my heart zoomed to a million beats per minute. What was it about her that made me yearn so deeply?

“I got your email,” I said. “I’ll have my lawyer draw up the contact.”

“Send it over when it’s done. We’ll get it signed.”

“I only do business in person, Beth. Meet me for dinner.” I gave her the name of one of my brother Kade’s restaurants.

“Ash, I can’t—”

I couldn’t bear to hear her rejection. “I’m a busy man,” I said a little too sharply then I’d have liked. Trying to soften my voice, I said, “It has to be over dinner Friday, or not until late next week here at the office. You’re choice.”

I heard her huff out a breath. “Fine. I’ll be there.” She hung up before I could respond.

I sat back in my chair, reflecting on how something so beautiful had gone so wrong. Of course, I understood why she was upset. The way I’d left was cruel. Still, I wanted to make it up to her. To tell her how I really felt about her then, and now. Why I hadn’t already I didn’t know, except perhaps the fear of being rejected.

But she wasn’t all hate for me. She’d rode me hard and well in the limo last weekend. It reminded me of the summer six years ago when we couldn’t avoid each other. We couldn’t keep our hands off one another. I tried to not touch her. Oh, how I tried. But when I saw Beth at her family’s place in the Hamptons, gone was Ben’s scrawny little sister and instead was a beautiful, sexy woman. She was also my best friend’s sister, so I tried to avoid her, but as the summer wore on, it was impossible.

She acted friendly as always, but there’d been times when I caught her looking at me that had made me think she was into me. Or maybe it was wishful thinking. To find out, I started spending time with her alone. At first, it was stealing a few moments to talk to her on the beach while Ben was boogie boarding in the water. There was nothing untoward about me talking to her on the beach. But then one night, when I was taking a late run, she’d been on the beach alone. We walked and talked, and I was completely enthralled. She was smart and funny. She didn’t give a shit about my money because her family had its own, so I felt like she was authentic in the way she treated me.

For a few nights, we’d meet on the beach by accident, but finally, one night as I pushed a tendril of hair out of her face, and ended up touching her soft cheek, I threw caution to the wind and kissed her. I wouldn’t have called myself a romantic. I was a young man with raging hormones, but that night, with the glow of the moon on the water and the lulling sound of the lapping waves, kissing her was the epitome of romantic. Her mouth was warm and sweet, and I knew right away I’d probably never enjoy a kiss from anyone as much as I liked kissing her.

I’d been playing with fire all summer, sneaking out to meet her. We’d walk and kiss. One night she showed up still in her bikini and by the time I brought her back home, I’d sucked on her fantastic tits and fingered her to orgasm. God what a sweet sound that had been. She’d offered to return the favor, but feeling guilty at touching her, I’d brought her home, and then jacked off, coming harder than I’d ever had before when masturbating.

Eventually, I couldn’t resist, and I taught her how to get me off. I could still see her hand wrapped around my dick, stroking until my cum shot out. In many ways, I knew eventually we’d go all the way, even though I tried to resist. She was Ben’s sister and there were rules about that. But I couldn’t help myself. As the summer drew to a close, I knew I loved her. I knew I had to keep seeing her which meant I had to tell him.

I remembered our final walk on the beach. At the time, I thought we still had a week left. I’d made all sorts of plans for us, and although I hadn’t shared them all with her, I did know she was into me. I told her I didn’t want us to end, and she’d agreed. Then she’d told me she wanted me totally and completely. I was already hard from wanting her, and so it was impossible to consider Ben or anything else at that moment.