Again and again he thrust into her.

The bed slammed into the wall. Her hips arched toward him.

His fingers were locked with hers. Their bodies moved in perfect rhythm.

Tina stiffened beneath him. Then her legs curled around his hips and she held him even tighter as pleasure flew across her face.

The release crested, thundered over him, and left Drew growling her name.

His heart thudded, racing too fast in his chest, and his breaths shuddered out.

Tina smiled up at him.

Such damn trust.

He was afraid he’d destroy it. The way he’d destroyed too many other things in his life.

I don’t want to destroy her.

Because she was coming to be the one thing in his life that mattered the most.

* * *

THE TRACKING SIGNAL had stopped. Devast had followed Drew Lancaster’s tracker all the way to the outskirts of the city. An old factory, one that sat, abandoned, boarded-up, with the faint light of dawn just touching its weathered roof.

No cars were outside. No vehicles of any sort.

Devast stared up at the factory. So this was to be the endgame location. Interesting choice.

Mercer must truly think that he was a fool.

You shouldn’t underestimate me, Mercer. That mistake would be fatal.

Anton would show his old friend.

He parked his car. He’d come alone. There was no sense losing any more men on this mission. Not when he knew exactly what he was doing.

Delivering a message.

Some messages were best delivered in person.

Anton headed toward the main entrance. This moment had been such a long time coming. Anton made sure that his steps were slow. Made sure to lean heavily on his cane. After all, he was frail. He was weak.

Very helpfully, someone had undone the chain that sealed that main entrance.

He heaved the chain out of his way. Deliberately, he wrestled with the chain as if it were a struggle to lift its weight. The chain fell to the ground. He pushed against the door. Once. Twice.

Then the door was sliding open. Anton waved the dust aside and entered the factory.



“I know you’re here!” Anton called out. His voice seemed to echo back to him. “Why must we play these games?”

Footsteps padded behind him. In front of him. To the left— The right—

And they attacked.