He glanced toward the door. Even though Drew had said that he’d take first watch, Lee might have stationed a guard outside.


His attention slid back to Tina.

“Mumm-mph...” She jerked in the chair. Someone had tied her to the chair. Probably Lee.

He crossed to her side and knelt on the floor so that they’d be at eye level. “The ropes were tied too tight,” he muttered, feeling anger try to push past his control once more.

Can’t have that. Must maintain cool.

The other agents had him all wrong. They thought he was made of ice. That he didn’t feel when he went out on his missions.

The problem was that he felt too much. And if he didn’t control his fury... Then I’m too dangerous.

He loosened her binds. He glanced up at her, his gaze colliding with hers.

A crack ran across the right lens of her glasses, looking like a spider’s web. He reached up.

She flinched.

“Easy,” Drew murmured. “I’m just checking you out.”

He lifted the glasses away from her face.

She blinked at him.

Hell. She was just as sexy without the glasses as she was with them. He’d thought maybe it was just a hot-librarian-type thing working for him, but no. The woman was simply temptation.

He didn’t need temptation. He had a job to do.

She’s the job right now. The words whispered from within him.

He put her glasses on the nearby table.

“Mumph!” Ah, now Tina was sounding angry behind the gag. He wasn’t sure what would be better for her. Fear or anger. Unless they were careful, both might just get her killed.

He leaned toward her. Brought his mouth right to her ear just as he’d done before. Her scent, light, sweet strawberries, wrapped around him.

Because of Tina, he’d developed one serious addiction to strawberries over the past year. Not that she knew it. Not that she knew anything about him. To her, he was just another agent.

Another adrenaline junkie that she had to patch up and keep alive.

Only now it was his turn to keep her alive.

“Be very careful what you say,” he barely breathed the words against the delicate shell of her ear.

Tina shivered.

Was that shiver from fear? Had to be. In these circumstances, he was foolish to think it could be from anything else.

But, just in case, he filed that reaction away for future notice. Because he’d sure like to know every sensitive spot on Tina’s gorgeous body.

“They could be listening.” His mouth brushed across her ear.

She gave the faintest of nods.

Her smell was incredible.