If it hadn’t been unlocked, he probably would have broken the damn thing down.

Tina stood near the bed. When the door bounced against the wall, she spun toward Drew and her eyes flared wide with surprise.

“I know that I have to try to save you.” He felt as if a force was pulling him toward her. A moth to the burning flame. She was the fire he craved. “Because I need you.” Then he kissed her.

With the press of his mouth to hers, Drew got that fire.

The desire seemed to ignite in his blood. Her mouth was soft and warm, and she kissed him back eagerly.

This wasn’t a time for fear. Not a time for death.

This was their time.

“I made you a promise,” he growled against her mouth. “There’s something you should know. I always keep my promises.”

“So do I,” she whispered back. Her hands were between them, seeming to singe him right through the thin fabric of his T-shirt. Then she was shoving up that T-shirt.

He tossed the thing across the room. “No going back,” Drew told her, voice rough. He was rough.

She was silk.

“I don’t want to go back.”

With those words, Tina sealed both their fates.

He lifted her and put her in the middle of that big bed with its clean, white sheets. Her hair spread out behind her.

She reached up for him.

She was the most perfect thing he’d ever seen. And this time, for her, because it was her, he was going to show her that he could be more than the wild lover who consumed.

Though he sure as hell wanted to consume her.

He stripped the hotel robe off her. Let it drop to the floor. Her breasts were round and perfect, with light pink nipples. He put his mouth on her and tasted. “Strawberries...” he whispered. His arousal shoved hard against his jeans.

She arched her hips toward him. “That’s my...ah...lotion. I found some in the gift...ah—shop!”

He made a mental note to buy her a case of strawberry lotion. “Love that scent on you.” He loved touching her, kissing her. His lips feathered over her flesh. He licked her nipple, caressed her and held tight to the reins of his control.

He was trying to be gentle and easy.

Tina wasn’t.

Her nails raked over his back. Her fingers pushed between them and fumbled with the zipper of his jeans.

“I don’t want to wait,” she told him. “All I want is you.”

Her voice was the best sin he’d ever heard. She was every thought he had right then.

He ditched his jeans, but made sure to keep the protection he’d shoved into his back pocket. Yeah, he’d visited that gift shop, too. Because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off her.

And protecting her, always, was his priority.

His hands pushed her thighs farther apart. Drew nearly lost his mind when he touched her and found her so ready for him. He took care of the small foil packet in a flash.

He heaved in a deep breath—hold on to your control, hold on to it!—and positioned himself at the entrance to her body.

He started to thrust into her, but then Drew stilled and she glanced at him. Tina’s eyes were wide and eager, her lips parted. Desire was on her face. Desire wasn’t enough.