* * *

THE PHONE IN Drew’s pocket vibrated. Frowning, he yanked it up to his ear. Dylan had just given him the replacement phone an hour ago. There weren’t many folks who should be trying to reach him then.

He began, “Hel—”

“Get to Tina Jamison.” Bruce Mercer’s voice barked the order.

Drew’s head snapped up. Tina was heading onto the plane.

Drew started running.

“Get to her, Lancaster. Secure her. You saved her before and you damn well better save her now—”

“Tina!” Drew bellowed.

Tina turned toward him. Her head tilted, the sunlight glinting off her dark hair and the replacement glasses that she’d been given.

Rachel was just steps behind her. Rachel frowned at him. “What’s happening?”

Rachel had a phone. Rachel was the one who’d been assigned guard duty to Tina. Why hadn’t Mercer called her?

“Drew? What’s wrong?” Tina took a few steps away from the plane.

The pilot had vanished. Was he inside? Getting ready for takeoff?

Tina shook her head. “I don’t understand—”

Mercer was shouting something in his ear.

He needed to get to Tina.

He needed to—

The plane exploded.

* * *

BRUCE MERCER STARED at the phone in his hand. He’d heard an explosion, then...nothing.

“I can’t get anyone to check in at the scene.”

He looked up at his assistant’s voice. Judith Rogers stood in the doorway, her eyes wide and worried.

“Keep trying. Someone is there.” Someone has to be. He’d called Drew because he trusted the man to protect Tina. Bruce was good at observing people, and he’d watched Lancaster and the doctor.

Drew will keep her safe.

Judith didn’t look reassured. “Tina...?”

“She’s fine.” This was his fault. But he’d fix it. “Drew Lancaster was on scene. I gave him orders to protect her.” Drew had always followed mission orders. The guy did his job and he didn’t hesitate. “Drew has her.”

But his palms were sweating.

“I hope you’re right.” Judith turned away. Judith knew most of his secrets. “Because if you’re not, I’m not sure how you’ll sleep tonight.”

Yes, she knew his secrets and his sins.

* * *