Tina did, too. The bullets hit the would-be shooter, and the man stumbled back.

Her heart slammed into her ribs. The frantic beating was so powerful that she ached.

“Clear!” That sharp voice calling out—it was Drew’s.

She didn’t release her death grip on the gun.

“Four men down,” Drew shouted. “I need the doc out here!”

He was hurt. In an instant Tina was on her feet. She grabbed for the doorknob.

“Wait—” Rachel began.

No, Drew needed her. There was no waiting.

She ran from the room. Another flash of lightning illuminated Drew. He was on the ground. She could smell blood. “Drew?” Tina reached for him.

He turned toward her. Rain water dripped down his face. “I’m okay, Doc.” He pointed to the man on the ground. “He isn’t.”

Another flash of lightning showed her the face of the man who’d held her hostage. Drew had called him Lee. Lee. The man who’d used his phone to record her video proof of life.

The guy who’d callously ordered that her finger be cut off.

“The others are dead,” Drew said as the rain hit them. “Lee is the only one left alive out here.”

Lee was choking on his own blood. Bullet wounds lined his chest. His eyes were wide and stark, terrified.

This was the man who’d wanted to use her. To hurt her.

Tina sank to her knees. I need tools. “I have to get the bullets out.” Have to stop the blood. Have to try to stabilize him. His blood pressure will be dropping. And—

She heard the wheeze coming from his lungs. When she leaned forward and looked at his mouth, she could see the small mist of blood shoving past his lips.

“He’s got a bullet in his lung.” She grabbed Lee’s shirt and ripped it apart. The rain kept pelting down on her. She needed to get him inside and—

There were two holes in his chest. One bullet had hit his lung. One had driven in close to his heart. Too close.

A hard hand closed around her wrist, jerking on the bruised skin.

“Don’t even think about it, Lee,” Drew snarled in the same instant.

Lee had a tight hold on her. He was trying to sit up.

The man should have realized that he didn’t have strength to waste fighting her. He should also have realized—

Drew had his gun locked on the man.

“You don’t need that,” Tina said softly, sadly. Because unless she could get serious help to the injured man within the next few moments...

He’ll be gone. He won’t be able to hurt anyone.

“M-Mercer’s...daughter...” The words were forced from Lee’s throat. Blood dripped from his lips.

“You need to take it easy,” she told him. No one’s last moments should be filled with agony.

But Lee smiled at her. “Y-you’re gonna die...”

No, you are. In just a few moments. Had she done this? Had her shot hit him?