Tina rushed from the house. She swung her chair leg at the man’s hand. The knife hit the ground while he howled.

Drew drove his fist into the guy’s face.

No more howling.

The guy crumpled on the ground just as nicely as the other two men had.

Tina’s breath was coming fast and hard; panting.

Her cheeks were too pale.

Drew frowned at her. “You okay?”

She lifted her hand. “Just give me...” She sucked in more deep breaths. “A minute.”

He didn’t like the pallor of her cheeks. He reached for her and wrapped his hands around her arms.

Her breathing seemed to slow.

In. Out. In. Out.

“You were great,” he whispered to her. “I knew you’d be a slugger with that chair leg.”

Faint color rose in her cheeks. Her breathing was definitely easier now. After a moment Tina eased away from him and stared down at the unconscious men. “You know I’m going to have to stitch that one up, right?”

“I know we’re cuffing them and tying them up.” The old bed cover inside would work perfectly once he cut it into strips. He glanced over at the ranch. “Then we’re leaving them here and we’re taking their ride.” Because if Lee saw the Ranger high-tailing it down the road he’d just think his men were continuing their search. The vehicle would be their perfect cover.

Tina smiled. “We’re going to make it, aren’t we?” Hope lit her face.

He nodded, but Drew didn’t actually speak. He’d learned long ago that some lies could taste too bitter on the tongue.

* * *

LEE’S HANDS WERE sweating. There was no sign of Mercer’s daughter, and if he didn’t turn that woman back in to the boss... I’m dead.

Anton Devast wasn’t exactly big on giving second chances. You messed up once with him and you were dead.

He motioned to Grayson, and the pilot circled the chopper around. The bird jerked in the air, then steadied. Lee hissed out a sharp breath and stared below with grainy eyes. He saw the familiar Ranger heading down the narrow, broken road. Reynolds, Morris and Sanchez. They’d been sent out to the abandoned ranch that he’d spotted. He’d given them orders to radio in if they saw anything suspicious out there.

He squinted as he stared down at them. Their vehicle was moving in the wrong direction. They weren’t heading back to the compound. They were going east.

He glanced over at Grayson. “Get Reynolds on the radio.” Where the hell was that man going? No one stopped searching, not until Stone was dead and Mercer’s daughter was contained.

Lee’s life was on the damn line.

No one stopped.

* * *

TINA STARED AT the small radio cradled in Drew’s hand. It had crackled to life a moment before.

“Report!” a man’s voice demanded.

Drew glanced over at her. One hand was on the wheel. The other was tightening around the radio. “Clear,” he barked. Only that wasn’t his normal voice. He’d responded in a voice that was harder, sharper.

“Any—” more crackling “—sign?”

“Not there. Checking to the east. Interference—” Then he slammed the radio into the dashboard.