Tina felt her cheeks turn ice-cold, then they burned red hot.

Those footsteps kept approaching. “Yeah, we got our package,” the gunman said with a quick nod. “Though she’s been whining the whole time about us having the wrong woman.”

The weapon finally left her cheek. Moving slowly, carefully, because she sure didn’t want to set anyone off, Tina turned to face the man. The helicopter waited behind him, perched perfectly in place.

There was a ski mask over this man’s face, too. Slits for his eyes, a hole for his mouth. As the others, he was also dressed in black from head to toe.

But she knew him; knew those broad shoulders, the tall, tough build. He towered over the other men by several inches and he walked with a slow, stalking grace.

Relief swept through her and Tina felt dizzy. Drew Lancaster.

“If she’s been talking so much...” his familiar voice rolled over her, edged with a Mississippi drawl, “then maybe you should have just gagged her.”

Wait. What? Tina’s eyes widened in horror. That wasn’t what Drew was supposed to say. Drew wasn’t a criminal. He was a good guy. He was a federal agent with the EOD.

He moved behind her, and put his hand over her mouth. “See?” Drew murmured. “Easy enough to stop her from talking.”

She nearly bit him.

But Drew bent and put his mouth right next to her ear. “Stay calm.” A bare whisper. One Tina wasn’t even sure she hadn’t imagined. But she’d felt the warm rush of his breath against her ear and a shiver slid through her body.

Drew kept his hand over her mouth as his head lifted a few inches. His eyes glittered down at her. She knew those eyes were golden, the color of a jungle cat that she’d seen once in the D.C. zoo.

Drew had always reminded her of that great cat. Because he was wild and dangerous, and he’d scared her, on an instinctive level, from the first moment they’d met.

“I didn’t realize our cargo tonight was a woman,” Drew charged as he glanced over at the lead gunman. “Maybe next time, you should clue me in on that.”

The guy grunted. “Need-to-know basis, Stone. Need to know.” Then he jerked his thumb toward the chopper. “Now are you ready to get us out of here?”

Stone. Her lips pressed against Drew’s palm. She hadn’t seen him in two months. Not since he’d left for his last mission.

Drew shifted his body and glanced down at her. This time, Tina could see past her fear and she easily read the hard warning in his eyes.

Drew was undercover. These men—they knew him as someone named Stone.

And something else that Tina realized... Drew wasn’t about to blow his cover.

Not for her.

Her shoulders slumped. Things were going to get even worse before they got better.

“I’m ready,” Drew said. He dropped his hand and backed away from her.

The gun was jabbed into her back once more. She didn’t tense this time.

But Drew did. “Is that necessary?” The words seemed gritted.

“Yeah, it is. Now get that bird off the ground!”

Drew’s gaze dropped to the gun then his stare slid back to Tina. She knew that she had to look terrified.

Because she was.

“Do you seriously think she’s going to get away?” Drew glanced around the rooftop. “No one’s up here but us.”

The gun didn’t move.

“Her hands are tied. She’s not going any place.” Drew exhaled. “And I don’t see—”