It was time for the team to move. They couldn’t give Drew any longer on his own.

“Drew didn’t check in.”

He sucked in a sharp breath at the news. Yeah, that counted as a problem. Dylan surged out of his chair. As he walked toward her, Rachel’s shoulders seemed to stiffen. She did that around him. Always tensing up. Always closing him out.

He locked his own jaw. “Maybe he was delayed. Maybe—”

“Drew’s never missed a check-in. I waited ten minutes, and he didn’t make contact.” She shook her head. “And I picked up some radio noise—something is happening out there. All of the men were called to action.”

Hell. Rachel had been monitoring the radio waves and transmission signals from the HAVOC compound, extra ears in case Drew got into trouble.

She wet her lips. “There’s...something else.”

Her tone told him this was even worse.

“Drew’s tracker went off-line.”

Every EOD agent in the field had a tracking device implanted just beneath the skin. In case the agent was taken by the enemy, Mercer wanted to be able to get a lock on the missing man or woman. The EOD didn’t like to lose agents.

Dylan had no intention of losing a teammate, and a friend.

“Maybe it’s a system error,” he said, even though his gut told him otherwise.

“I checked in with the techs at the EOD. They said his signal was transmitting fine until an hour ago, then it went dead.”

Hell. “And there’s no tracker implanted on Dr. Jamison.”

“No, she’s not an agent. Mercer never saw a need for her to be monitored. She wasn’t supposed to be at risk.”

Now she’d been taken and Drew had gone off the grid.

They had to get into the field. ASAP. Dylan hated being away from the action, especially when his team needed him. Especially when—

His phone rang. He glanced down and swore when he saw the number. He knew they were about to have more problems coming their way. With his eyes on Rachel, he answered the call. “Foxx.”

“I just sent you a file that you need to view immediately.” The voice on the other end of the line was feminine, husky, and one that was used to giving orders. Sydney Ortez. When it came to EOD Intel, Sydney was the go-to girl. She was also Mercer’s right-hand woman. If something was happening withi

n the organization, Sydney knew about it.

The fact that Sydney was supposed to be out on maternity leave as she prepared for the birth of her twins—well, the fact that she was calling him meant that something serious had gone down.

He put Sydney on speaker and pulled up the file on his phone.

Tina Jamison’s face filled the screen. Her eyes were wide with terror.

“Look into the camera,” a hard voice ordered. Dylan couldn’t see the speaker. He figured the voice probably belonged to the man recording the video. “Say your name.”

“My name is Tina Jamison.”

“Good girl,” the guy murmured.

Her voice held fear. The same fear that filled her eyes. Tina wasn’t supposed to be in the field. Her place was in the office.

And Dylan knew why. Mercer had briefed him during that second phone call. Told Dylan all of Tina’s secrets.

“Tina Jamison is my friend,” Sydney said softly. “I want her back. The EOD wants her back.”

“Bruce Mercer, we have your daughter,” the rumbling voice said on the video then.