She didn’t scream.

Hadn’t they talked about not hesitating? Drew was sure that he’d gone over that part with her. “Scream!”

She screamed.

An instant later Carl rushed through the door.

Chapter Three

Tina screamed. She screamed as loudly as she possibly could. She’d always had a rather good scream—horror-movie good—and her scream had Carl racing back into the room.

But her scream was cut off when Drew’s fingers locked around her throat. “You’re dead,” he growled.

“What’s goin’ on here?” Carl demanded.

Drew’s grip was strong, but not painful. The look in his eyes—that was terrifying. He should have given her a head’s up about this little bad cop—uh, agent—routine.

“You ruined everything for me,” Drew told her. “Everything.”

“You can’t hurt her!” Carl snapped. “That’s what I’m doing—”

He grabbed for Drew’s shoulder.

His mistake.

Drew swung toward him. The loose cuff on Drew’s left wrist flew out and hit Carl in the face. Then Drew punched Carl in the face. A fast, brutal hit. Carl stumbled back. The weapon in his hand started to rise.

But Drew wasn’t done. He chopped down with his hand, hitting Carl’s arm, and the weapon fell from Carl’s fingers.

A few more hits from Drew—Tina jerked forward because when he moved, so did she—and Carl was on the floor.

His eyes were closed, and he was out.

Drew leaned over Carl and scooped up the gun. “Nice scream you got there, Doc.”

And nice, brutal fighting skills he had there. Tina cleared her throat. “Ah, thank you.”

He looked back over at her. “Ready?”

She nodded.

Drew led the way out of that prison. He eased open the room’s door and peered down the hallway. She wondered if anyone else had heard her scream. No one else appeared to be racing toward them.

“Lee has most of the guys stationed outside. They’re probably searching for my team.” His voice was so quiet she had to strain to hear it.

His team. “When will they get here?” Hopefully, any moment. Then—

His gaze slid to hers. “They won’t.”

Her heart sank at that news.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”

She would be more reassured when they were safely away from all of the bad guys with guns. Tina wanted to know who these guys were, why Drew was undercover there—what was happening!

But now wasn’t the time for her questions. Now was the time to focus on survival—escape.

He searched the immediate area once more. “Clear.” They rushed down the hall. Drew held the gun in his left hand. She’d known that he was ambidextrous; the man could wield a weapon just as easily with either hand. She’d watched him do just that on the shooting range once. That ambidextrous talent was a real good thing, since his right hand was still locked to her.