“Easy.” He wouldn’t hurt her, ever. Didn’t she realize that? “Before I open that door...” And I run the chance of losing my life before I get the one thing I’ve wanted for so long... “There’s something I need to do.”

A faint line appeared between her brows. “What?”

He was a bloody, bruised mess. When he’d imagined this moment—and he had, many times—it had been different.

Oh, well. So much for his best-laid plans.

“What?” Tina asked again.

“This.” He put his mouth on hers. Drew had to do it. He had to find out if the woman would be as good in reality as she was in his dreams.

At first Tina didn’t move at all. She’d frozen on him—maybe his ice had transferred to her.

Some dreams were better than reality. He began to pull away.

Then Tina leaned toward him. Her lips parted beneath his and she kissed him back with a wild, reckless passion he hadn’t expected.

Some dreams couldn’t touch reality.

He put his hand under her chin, aware of the weight of that dangling cuff. He tilted her head back so that he could plunder her mouth, so that he could taste her.

Hell, in that moment, he wanted to consume her.

His body ached for her. Need pulsed through his veins, and if they weren’t in some pit of hell...if the bad guys weren’t just down the hallway...

Drew lifted his head. “Then you’d be mine,” he rasped.

Tina blinked and shook her head. “What?”

He kissed her once more, just because he had to do it. There’s no way we’re dying. The woman was full of secrets, and he’d be sure he had the chance to discover every single one. “I’ve wanted to do that since the first time I walked into your office and you told me to take off my shirt.”

Her gorgeous eyes widened. “Your shirt was covered in blood.”

As if a little matter of a bullet wound could have stopped him from wanting her. “It is now, too.” A bullet wound won’t stop the need. He rocked back on his heels. “Remember, no hesitation.”

Her lips were swollen from his mouth. She was so sexy right then. Sexy, but still scared. Talk about terrible timing.

That was the story of his life.

He backed her up against the wall on the right side of the room. Drew calculated that this would be his best attack spot.

He rolled his shoulders, pushed down his fury. He had to take out his prey one at a time. First, Carl would go down. Carl who’d wanted to slice away one of Tina’s fingers.

Rage... Drew swallowed and pushed the rage down again.

Carl would be taken out first. Then Drew and Tina would rush down the hallway. Another guard would be at the door that led outside. Maybe two guards would be there. Drew would have to take them out, too.

He and Tina would stay low, keeping to cover. There was a motorcycle waiting in the garage. One the others thought was out of commission, but that Drew had taken the time to ensure was actually fully operational.

He liked having backup plans available.

His muscles were tight, battle ready. Tina watched him with wide eyes.

Protect her. Get her out.

Once Tina was safe, he’d come back to finish this mission. I have to eliminate Anton Devast.

He gave a little nod. “Okay, Doc, it’s show time.” He waited a beat, then said, “Scream for me.”