SO MUCH FOR keeping his cover in place. He’d sure blown that fast enough.

As soon as that knife had come close to her fingers, he’d attacked.

Where was the ice? When the knife had hovered over her delicate hand, rage had ignited within him, driving right past his control.

The cuffs bit into his wrists. He wasn’t surprised they’d used cuffs on him instead of rope. But when it came to thinking that the cuffs would be more secure than the rope, Lee was dead wrong.

They’d taken him and Tina into another room, a smaller room, with no window and sealed with a heavy, metal door. They’d cuffed one of his hands to hers, and his other hand—they’d cuffed it to a metal pole that came straight out of the floor.

Carl smirked at him. “That will hold you until it’s time for us to play.”

Play. Right. Wonderful.

Lee stood in the doorway behind Carl. “You know, Stone, there was something about you that I never liked.”

Carl drove his fist into Drew’s gut. He grunted. The jerk sure knew how to deliver some pain with a hard punch.

Lee sauntered into the room. He pushed Carl back and glared at Drew. They’d taken Drew’s weapons. They’d also given him plenty of punches in the other room, despite Tina’s pleas for them to stop.

They weren’t exactly the type to show mercy. He didn’t expect any.

“You’ve got secrets, don’t you, Stone?” Lee said. His left brow rose. “If that’s even your name.”

Drew smiled. “You know you’re a dead man.”

Lee’s lashes flickered. The flash of fear was obvious as the guy stepped back.

“I’m sending the video to Mercer. The video of his daughter...and the video of you, getting your butt beat.”

Drew shrugged. “I don’t think Mercer will care that some jerk he doesn’t know was attacked.”

“Maybe. Or maybe...just maybe...he does know you.” Lee’s gaze cut to Tina. “You made a mistake.”

Saving her? No, it hadn’t been a mistake. Saving her had been worth every second of pain.

“You looked at her with a lover’s eyes, and you’ve never looked at anyone like that before.”

Every muscle in Drew’s body stiffened. Lee wasn’t as dumb as he looked. He’s too observant.

“I’ve seen you with plenty of women. You play around, you drink, and you don’t care what they do when you’re done.” Half of Lee’s mouth hitched up in a taunting smile. “But when you looked at her, when you burst into that room and saw me cutting her, your eyes were different. I saw you.”

This was bad.

“And you went crazy when I let old Carl loose on her.”

He forced his back teeth to unclench. “Carl shouldn’t be turned loose on any woman.”

“She’s not just any woman, is she? You know her.”

Tina wasn’t speaking beside him. But he could hear the sounds of her breaths, coming far too fast.

Then Lee advanced toward her. He grabbed Tina’s chin. “And you know him, don’t you?”

“No!” Tina cried.

Drew could almost believe her denial.
