She couldn’t. He was too strong.

“Stop!” Drew bellowed.

He wasn’t stopping. The knife pressed toward her hand.

Tina looked away.

But the blade didn’t slice her skin. Instead she heard the brutal thud of two bodies colliding. Her head whipped back toward that sound. Drew had just slammed into Carl. He’d tackled him, and both men had hit the floor. The knife clattered away.

“What are you doin’, Stone?” Finally, Lee had dropped his phone. The video show seemed over.

Drew pounded Carl’s head into the floor. Then he leaped to his feet. “You aren’t cutting her, Lee.”

“I’ll do anything I want!” His chin jutted out, and Lee motioned to the other two men who stood against the back wall. “Take that fool down.”

They ran toward Drew.

But they were the ones that hit the floor.

As he fought, Tina began to yank at the ropes still around her. Now that her right hand was free, she could escape. Her fingers were shaking as she undid the knots on her left hand. Then she started jerking at the ropes that tied her feet to the legs of the chair.

Grunts filled the room. The crunch of bones. The fight was brutal and—

More men were rushing inside.

Drew put his body in front of hers.

She untied the last knot and jumped to her feet.

“You aren’t hurting her!” Drew shouted.

Then she heard a new sound. A very, very loud boom. A gunshot.

Drew’s body jerked at the impact, but he didn’t stop fighting the men who came at him. Of course, he didn’t stop.

A killing machine.

He took down another man. Broke the nose of the fourth guy who rushed at him.

Hard hands grabbed Tina. A gun was shoved against her temple. Then Lee ordered, “Stop!”

Drew whirled. His gaze dipped to Tina’s face, then back to the face of the gunman—Lee. “You a

ren’t killing her,” Drew said. His lips twisted into a humorless grin, one that was ice-cold. “She’s no good to you dead.”

“True.” The gun lifted away from her. “Though it seems that you are no good to me alive.”

He was going to shoot Drew again. Kill him while she watched. “No!” Tina yanked free of Lee’s arms with a wild burst of strength. She put her body in front of Drew’s. “Don’t!”

Lee hesitated. His gaze went from her face back to Drew. “Interesting.”

“I’ll cooperate,” she said, desperate because more men had run into the room. Alerted by the sounds of battle, they’d rushed inside. Now she and Drew were surrounded by guns and by men who looked as though they were ready to fire those guns at any moment. “I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll get my...father to meet your demands.” Such a lie. “But, please, don’t hurt him.”

Carl had dragged himself off the ground. Blood dripped from his busted lower lip. “T-told you,” he stuttered to Lee. “Stone here got sweet on the girl during his night duty.”

“I think it’s more than that,” Lee said. A shrewd understanding filled his eyes. “Get some cuffs. Snap ’em on him.” His head cocked to the right. “Cuffs will hold him better than rope.” Then his lips lifted into a cold grin. “Even better, cuff him to her.”

* * *