Not wanting to be a jealous ninny, I turned back to the bar, taking a large sip of the wine I ordered.

I was getting ready to return to Hunter’s side, when the woman I’d seen him with approached me.

“Hello,” she said.


“How do you know Hunter?” she asked.

One concern I had about the party was that people would still know who we were. Of course, there was no way to hide who Hunter was, but no one knew me.

“Who?” I asked. “It’s a masquerade ball. We’re not supposed to know who anyone is.” My voice was light, and hoped she’d see it as a joke.

She didn’t laugh. She held on to that controlled, polite demeanor. “You should know that Hunter isn’t a man that is satisfied with one woman.”

I swallowed as unease spread.

“I just thought you should know. You might have him at night, but he’s with me during the day.” She turned and walked away, leaving me gaping.

I downed my wine as I tried to process what had just happened. I replayed the scene where he was talking to her, and the intimacy with which he leaned in to talk to her, and the way her eyes flared, like he was turning her on.

I reviewed our relationship. We didn’t see each other during the day, although we texted some. Was he spending time with her? I knew he was open to having sex in his office as we’d done it before. Then I remembered first meeting him, and learning he’d been spending his nights with different women on a regular basis.

God, I was an idiot to think he could be satisfied with one woman. With me. Everything inside me went numb. I looked around the room but didn’t feel a part of it. I wasn’t a part of it. I was a woman from the middle class in a room of elites. I wasn’t sophisticated or gorgeous. This was just me playing Cinderella, only in my version, Prince Charming was fucking other princesses too.

In a fog, I set my glass down and headed for the foyer. From the foyer, I walked out the front door. I made my way to the street and stood like an idiot waiting for a cab. People in this neighborhood didn’t use cabs. I pulled my phone out of my little bag and used my car app to order a ride.

I was like a zombie during the ride home and upon entering my apartment. The only thing that went through my mind was that it was over. He’d been kind and sweet, but not committed or faithful. I had enough self-esteem to know I wasn’t going to share. I deserved a man who cared for me exclusively.

I tossed my mask and purse on my tiny table, and then used my phone to text him.

I can’t do this anymore and need to end this. I wish you the best.

I wanted to call him out and tell him I thought he was an asshole. But this was partly my fault for wanting to believe in a fairy tale. He was an admitted playboy, and he’d never said we were exclusive. I figured the best option was to be calm but clear. I turned off my ringer and notifications, and then got in the shower to wash Hunter away.

I put ear plugs in my ears to close off the world, and then climbed into bed wondering why I was so bad at picking men. The two I’d allowed myself to care about both turned out to be cheaters. And in Hunter’s case, I’d risked my career.

I put my pillow over my head and groaned at my stupidity. What a laugh he and that woman would probably have about me.




What the fuck happened? As I rode the elevator up to my office Monday morning, I still couldn’t figure out what went wrong on Saturday night. Why the fuck wasn’t Grace answering my calls or her door to tell me why she ran off and then sent me a Dear John text.

I replayed the night in my head. She looked stunning in her dress. She’d been hot for me as I gave her a tour of the mansion, teasing her senses so I could break one of her rules; no sex in public. When I’d thrust inside her body, finally, I felt like I’d arrived home. I swore I saw love in her eyes, or something close to it.

Ten minutes later, when she hadn’t found me in the ballroom, I’d gone looking for her. When I couldn’t find her, I began to panic. Visions of explosions and Sara’s battered face filtered through my brain. Had something happened to Grace? On my watch? Jesus, the idea of it almost brought me to my knees.

And then her text came through.

I can’t do this anymore and need to end this. I wish you the best.