“Ah…yes…sure.” She stepped in.

I led her to the kitchen. I looked through my fridge and cupboards but wasn’t sure what to make. I couldn’t focus on the food, because my head was filled with thoughts about why she was here and if I could salvage us.


I turned to her. She looked so tired and nervous. I wanted to make it better but knew she hated it when I tried to fix things.


“I’m sorry too for not appreciating you more. For not being more grateful for the gift of your trust and caring for me. You were right that I never let go of my issues around what happened with my ex.”

I watched her, wanting to believe she was wanting us to try again but afraid I might be wrong.

“My own fears had me ready to see fault in you, which wasn’t fair to you. I hurt you, and I hate that I have because you’re a wonderful man. Better than I deserved.”

“No.” I finally found my voice. “You deserve to be loved. You just have to allow it.”

She sniffed and brushed away a tear I’d been dying to brush myself. “You should be a therapist. You have lots of insight. I couldn’t see my own issues.”

“Forest through the trees,” I said.

She nodded. “You’re probably right about that too. That I should see someone to work through my issues.” She took a step closer. “I was wondering if you’d come with me?”

I quirked a brow not sure why she’d need me in her counseling.

“Maybe we could do it together,” she said.

My heart swelled in my chest. “What do you mean? As a friend supporting a friend?”

She swallowed. “I was hoping as a couple.”

She was in my arms so fast, I was sure she didn’t know what happened.

“Thank fuck, you showed up,” I said as I held her close. “I was going mad with waiting for you.”

She looked up, and this time, her tears appeared to be happy ones. “Why didn’t you come see me?”

“Because you told me I make things worse when I try to fix things, and I didn’t want that.”

“I’m an idiot, Hunter.”

I cradled her face in my palms. “We both have our issues, Grace. I don’t want to push myself or my plans on you. I don’t want you feeling like I don’t listen to you or that I don’t think you’re capable. So from now on, if you have a problem or need something, you’ll need to ask if you want my help. I’m not going to swoop in and try to fix it…or at least, I’m going to try not to.”

She laughed. “Okay.”

She’d only just walked in my door, and into my life again, so it was too soon to ask for too much. Then again, I’d put off telling her so much that she needed to know. So taking a deep breath, I continued on.

“For example, with your work situation being what it is over the next six months, if you needed a place to stay, you’d need to let me know that. I’m not going to simply arrange movers to pack up your stuff and move you in here with me.” But, oh, how I wanted to.

Her breath hitched. “I don’t need a place to stay…and I’ve got a job…I think.”

I tried to hide my disappointment. As I’d worried, it was too soon to ask her to live with me even though I’d been thinking of asking her before. “Okay.”

“But I do like your bed. It’s bigger. So is your living space, so I wouldn’t mind if you arranged to pack up my place and move it here.”

I dropped my forehead to hers. It was time to go all in. “There’s just one thing you need to know, Grace.”

“Oh?” I heard concern in her voice.

I lifted my head to look into her beautiful hazel eyes, now with no barrier because she was wearing contacts. “I love you.”

Her smile was so bright, it made me wish I’d told her sooner.

“I love you too, Hunter. I have for so long. I’m sure you don’t believe it because I’ve been an idiot, but I have…I do. Love you, that is.”

“We’ve both been idiots, and your counseling idea is good. It would give us a good, solid start.”

“Thank you.” She gripped me tighter and held me closer. “I want you to know that I’ve always wanted you. Even when I was letting my fears get the best of me, I wanted you.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.” I held her tight, vowing that I’d never let her go. “I was hungry for food a minute ago, but now I’m hungry for you.”

Her arms looped around my neck. “Did I tell you I went on the pill?”

Minutes later, she was naked in my bed, and I was worshipping her body, her mind, her soul.