“No, I don’t think that.” He paused. “Are you in love with her?”

“Yeah, man, I think I am. But all of a sudden, she bolted. And I know what you’re thinking, but I didn’t have an episode or lash out. It was all going so well.”

“What did she say?”

“Just that she couldn’t do it anymore, and then she wished me the best.”

Chase frowned. “So, you didn’t have a fight or something?”

“No.” Feeling a little more settled than before, I sat in a chair across from him. “I was abiding by her rules, so I don’t what the fuck happened.”


“That whole you can’t fuck your therapist thing. She fired me weeks ago, but somehow, she got reported to the board about having an inappropriate relationship with a client. There’s an investigation. Even though she’s not my therapist now, she wanted to keep us on the down-low. I was planning to let you know today. About her, and that I’ve been going to a veterans counseling group, so technically, I’m abiding by your rules too.” The truth was, I was good at rules. The military was full of them. Following them kept me alive. So why were the rules fucking me over now?

“I’m glad about the group. We’ve all noticed a difference in you. I guess Ms. Reynolds had something to do with that too.”

I shrugged.

“I did get a call from someone about her,” Chase said.

My head jerked up. “Who?”

“It was the licensing board wanting to know if I had any information about her, since she was renting from us in the building. I told him I didn’t know anything.”

I supposed that was a small victory for her. “Thanks.”

“It’s no one’s business about you, so I didn’t mention she was your therapist.”

“She’s not my therapist, though. I don’t know what the fuck to do, Chase. Did you ever have this with Sara?” I winced the moment the words were out as the image of her, battered and bruised, flashed in my head. “Jesus, I’m a prick. Sorry, man.”

“Don’t be sorry. I remember feeling completely poleaxed by Sara. I was deeply in love with her before I knew what was happening.”

I nodded.

“My only advice would be to try and talk to her.”

I glared at him. “I tried that.”

“Keep trying. That’s what I’d do if Sara walked out.”

I remembered how he’d been when she’d gone missing. He would have crawled over broken glass to find and save her.

“Are she and the baby okay?” I asked.

“They are most excellent.” He smiled so wide it was ridiculous. I had to smile back. At least one Raven was happy.

When Chase left, I pondered what he said. I didn’t want to beg for something Grace wasn’t willing to give, but I had a right to know what the hell had happened. And so, it was with anger I rode the elevator down to her floor, ready to confront her. I’d followed all her rules, including the one that had me staying away from her office in the Rookery so as not to make anyone suspicious. Well too bad now, Grace, I thought as I entered the waiting area of her office. I glanced at her door, and noted that the “In Session” sign wasn’t in place, but instead, it was on a cabinet to the side.

Good timing, Hunter. I strode to the door and opened it without knocking.

Her head shot up, and her eyes widened. She looked tired and pale, like her weekend was as miserable as mine, which begged the question, why did she break things off?


I worked to hold on to my anger, but it was hard because seeing her just made my chest ache. I held my hands up in surrender on the off chance I looked a bit crazed and was scaring her.

“If you don’t want me, fine, I’ll leave. But I deserve the right to know what the hell happened.”

She swallowed. “My expectations were…wrong and not fair to you.”

What the hell? “You figured that out ten minutes after a very nice fuck in the bathroom?” I shook my head, because she wasn’t making any sense.

Before she could say something else, I held up my hand.

“I get that I’m not good enough for you, but you just walked off. Fucking hell, Grace, I thought something had happened to you. I was scared shitless.”

Her eyes widened indicating that she hadn’t considered what disappearing would do to me. “Oh God, I didn’t think—”

“No, you didn’t. You’re a fucking therapist. How is it that your MO is to walk off without telling your date you’re leaving? That’s fucked up.” I noticed the f-bomb was a staple in my tirade but …well…what the fuck. I was pissed.

She looked down, and I felt some satisfaction that she appeared a bit ashamed. “You’re right. I should have told you I was leaving.”