Her eyes widened. “He’s even richer than you, isn’t he?”

I laughed. “Me, yes. My family…by eight cents maybe. I want you to go with me.”

“I’d love to, but we can’t be seen in public together, remember?”

“We won’t be,” I said.

Her brows furrowed. “If I go to the party with you, we’ll be seen together.”

“It’s a masquerade party. We’ll wear masks and won’t be recognized.” The idea of taking my woman out to a fancy party appealed to me more than it probably should have. I was tired of living like she was a dirty secret, or I was hers. I wanted the world to know that Hunter Raven had found the beautiful and sweet Grace Reynolds.

“I’m not sure it’s a good idea,” she said, biting her lip. I could see she wanted to go, but her concerns about being seen made her hesitate.

“It will be fun, Grace. And a chance for us to be out together without being out together, since we’ll be in disguise.” I wiped my mouth with my napkin. “Come on, I have something to show you.”

I stood and reached out my hand to her. She wiped her sexy mouth and took my hand. I led her to my bedroom. On the bed, I’d laid out several costumes and masks for her to choose from.

“I’ve taken the liberty of having some costumes sent over for you to consider.”

She eyed me sideways. “Feeling pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

I shrugged. “Never hurts to stack the deck.”

She looked at the costumes, and I could see she wanted to accept the offer.

“Why don’t you try them on? See how they look. Find the one you like best,” I suggested.

I saw the battle waging in her eyes, but finally, she agreed, picking up a costume and taking it into the bathroom.

I sat in the wingback chair by the window of my room and waited, eager to see how she looked. When she emerged, she stole my breath away. The silvery dress hung over her curves like it was poured on. The black and silver mask covered her face, but I could see her hazel eyes and sexy lips.

“This isn’t really set up for wearing glasses,” she said.

Oh shit, I hadn’t thought of that.

“How does it look?”

“Fantastic,” I said, shifting in my seat to adjust my hardon.

“I’ve been thinking of getting contacts. What do you think?”

I loved her glasses, but I also thought she was lovely without them. “I think you should do what you feel most comfortable with.”

“I wonder if I use my glasses as a mask,” she said, moving to the mirror. She gasped when she saw herself. “It does look good.”

“It does. What do you mean about your glasses?”

She shrugged, and walked over to the bed, looking over the other outfits. “I chose them because they look more serious and bookish. I thought people would be more likely to view me as a professional. But they’re also boring and stuffy, which could keep people away.”

“Why would you want to do that?”

She looked at me, I could see there was a story there, and I thought she might tell it to me, but she gave her head a quick shake and turned her attention back to the clothes.

“I hate to tell you, Grace, but the glasses are sexy. It was one of the first things I noticed after your eyes.”

She had a small, satisfied smile. She picked up another dress and headed to the bathroom.

I waited again, wondering why a smart, beautiful woman wanted to keep people away. It explained further why she’d waited so long to have sex. And it was another reason why I needed to tread carefully with her. She was giving herself to me, despite her concerns and fears. I needed to make sure I didn’t fuck that up.

A few minutes later, she emerged. My heart stopped. How was it she could be more stunning than before? The dress was champagne colored with beads and lace that made me think of the art deco era. It had a slit up the side that showed off a tantalizing bit of the smooth, creamy skin of her leg. The bodice was modest, but when she turned, the back dipped low, to just over her fine ass. The mask was the same color and covered in crystals and lace, and it made her eyes look the sexiest shade of green I’d ever seen. The shape of the mask highlighted the fullness of her lips.

“What do you think?” she asked.

“I think I just came in my pants.”

She smiled and looked down. “Really?”

I shook my head. “No.” I stood and showed her my erection tenting my pants. “But he’s close.”

She quirked a brow. “You must be uncomfortable. But I have the rest of these outfits to try on.”

Fuck. I should have stopped at two.