“Any sign he’s easing up on this crazy inheritance plan?” Ash asked.

“No,” Chase said. “In fact, he’s feeling even better about it.”

“Thanks to you,” Kade said derisively. “Whatever water you drank to turn your heart to a sappy mess, I don’t want any part of it.”

I rolled my eyes.

Kade shook his head. “And Sara, Jesus, how much money did you agree to pay her—”

“Back off,” Chase said, his expression turning dark. “I’ll take whatever infantile shit you want to toss at me, Kade, but you’ll not talk about Sara like that.”

“You have to admit Dad’s plan is ridiculous,” Ash said. “We all know you’d do anything to take charge and right now. You’d get it all.”

“You never did like to share,” Kade added. “Are you going to kick us out like you’ve threatened Hunter? Lower our salaries?”

“Ash and Hunter no, but maybe yours, Kade,” Chase shot back.

In an instant, the room was filled with grown men shouting, pointing fingers. Kade tossed a few choice words my way, and I could feel tension building in my jaw and shoulders. My body started to heat. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as Grace had taught me. It took several inhales and exhales, but eventually, I felt tension release.

I opened my eyes, and this time I was able to view them objectively, like an outsider. From my standpoint, they looked crazy. They were grown men arguing like children. Jesus, did I look like that when I engaged with them?

Finally, as a headache started to form, I took a page from Grace’s book, I put my thumb and middle finger up to my lips and blew out a loud whistle that had them all stopping mid-shout.

I stood, smoothing out my tie. “There’s no reason to pick on Chase for what Dad did. And if anyone goes after Sara, they’ll need to get past me.” I moved to leave.

“Why are you defending Chase? He’s ready to toss you from the company,” Kade said, looking at me like I’d grown a third eye.

“Aren’t you exhausted by this?” I asked. “The fighting and competing? Maybe we can just stop for a minute. Perhaps Dad is right. I mean look at Chase. He’s happier than he’s ever been. He’s definitely happy than you two fucks.”

“Jesus, you’ve drunk the water,” Kade said.

I watched him, surprised that my temper was still at a mild level instead of full tilt. “You really do need to grow up, Kade. There’s more to life than your ego, restaurants, and your dick. To think I served my country so that you could be an entitled, lazy asshole makes it hard.” I shook my head, not liking how bad that sounded. I inhaled. “My point is, if you don’t like it, Kade, take it up with Dad, leave, or do something. Whining about it to Chase is getting annoying and doesn’t do anything but make you look like a spoiled brat.”

I looked to Chase. “I have work to do. Are we done?”

Chase studied me. I saw surprise in his expression, but also approval. “Yes.”

I left the conference room and headed to my office. Yvonne was in her chair at her desk for once.

“Mr. Raven,” she stood and leaned over her desk to hand me messages. Her blouse had one button too many undone. “Here are your messages.”

“Thank you.” I took them. “Ms. Nichols, you have a button undone.”

“Oh, do I?” She looked down, but made no move to fix it.

“If it’s an accident, you need to fix it. If it’s on purpose, you should go back and read the employee handbook on proper attire.”

I turned and went into my office. A few minutes later, she buzzed my office.

“Mr. Chase Raven is here to see you.”

“Send him in.”

Chase walked in, and for the first time, I really studied him. He was my big brother, and I’d always looked up to and admired him, especially when we were kids. But then Dad got his idea that we had to compete against each other for the company. I’d resented Chase for following Dad’s directive and turning against us, or me more specifically. I’d always been an outsider in the family, but when they’d all drank Dad’s Kool-Aid, I’d really felt it. My mom was the only person who saw the madness of it.

I’d escaped it by joining the military and came back even more disconnected from my family than when I’d left. Chase had become more and more like our father. Ash had withdrawn emotionally after something had gone wrong with a woman. I didn’t know what, and at the time, I didn’t give a fuck. Then there was Kade. I worried about him the most. Even if he decided to get married for his inheritance, I couldn’t imagine a woman putting up with his whining for long.