I sank back down in the chair, exhausted from all the tension and working to keep up with his roller-coaster emotions. Finally, I grabbed my bag and headed out. As I got into the elevator, the woman I recognized as Hunter’s secretary joined me. I wondered if she ever helped him with sex therapy.

“I saw you with Mr. Raven. Are you working with him on a project?” she asked as we rode the elevator down to the ground floor.

“I don’t work for the company. My visit with Mr. Raven was more of a personal nature.”

The woman studied me and then laughed. “Figures. He gets personal with any woman that has a pulse.” The door opened, and she walked out, leaving me standing there wishing I’d chosen my words better. I didn’t want anyone thinking I was having sex with Hunter. It would be a disaster for my career if there was any thought that I was having an affair with a client.

Of course, I wasn’t his type. Sure, he tried to use his knowledge of women and sexual charm to his advantage with me, but if I’d said, “Sure, let’s have sex as therapy,” I was certain he’d laugh in my face and walk out just as he had earlier.



Friday – Two Weeks Later

It has been two fucking weeks that I’ve been meeting with Grace. The only thing that has changed is this insane need to be around her, which has grown. What the hell was that about? I was still pissed off most of the time, and even nearly tore into one of my staff who I’d learned fucked up and fell asleep the night of one of the thefts.

I was still having nightmares. Some nights, they were worse than I’d ever had. The last one felt like I was falling into a pit. At the top, Sara and Chase and everyone else was cheering and chanting how I killed her baby. The only thing keeping me from falling all the way into an abyss was a rope I gripped and held on to for dear life. Grace kept telling me to let go. Apparently, in my dreams, she also thought I was a murderer.

I was exhausted, and for the first time, seriously considering giving up and retiring. I could go to the island. Yes, I’d still have the dreams, but I’d be alone with no responsibilities. Unless of course, my father prohibited me from going to the island for not getting married and having kids. Still, I had money, I could leave all this fuckery behind.

Especially all this talking to Grace. Why the fuck was I still doing this? Okay, I knew why. As long as I was meeting with her, my brothers let me be. But it wasn’t helping. And yet, each time we had an appointment, I was eager to come. That was until she started pushing me to tell her things I didn’t want to talk about. I was a sadist. Clearly, I should just go back to my old ways. They didn’t solve my problems. They didn’t get rid of the dreams either, but a good orgasm took the edge off of them. I could forget about my sexy therapist by burying myself in a slew of one-night stands. Maybe I’d go for having two women at one time. I hadn’t tried that yet.

“Your brothers seem to think something changed for you a few months ago that has you angrier. What would that be?” she asked. It was a question she asked in some form or fashion every time I met with her.

I rolled my eyes. “Gee, let me think. My father wants his sons to live a fairy tale and procreate to earn our inheritance. My oldest brother has drunk my dad’s fairytale juice. The world is a dangerous place. My favorite TV show was canceled. Take your pick.”

“Tell me about ‘the world is a dangerous place,’” she prompted.

Of course she’d pick up on that part of the statement. I shrugged. “Muggers. Stalkers. Crazy fucks…take your pick.”

“Have you been mugged—”

I laughed. “No. People don’t mug me.”

“Okay, how about a stalker or crazy fuck,” she asked.

I hated how close she could always get to the truth of my guilt. I turned away, using my forefinger to trace something along the back wall behind the couch I was sitting on. “They show up to Ash’s clubs sometimes.”

“Have you had an altercation with one that was different from usual?”

I blew out a breath. “How is all this going to help me? I’m sorry that I’m an asshole. But it’s who I am. Why can’t people just leave me the fuck alone?”

“Is that what you want? To always be alone?”

“Yes.” Good Christ, she certainly could have figured that out by now, couldn’t she?

“Then why all the women?”

I crossed my arms over my chest, ready to stop talking about all this bullshit, especially since there hadn’t been any woman since I started all this therapy bullshit. Feeling surly, I asked, “Why do you want to know? Want to be one of them?”