“Ah fuck,” he groaned, dropping his head back. His face was a mixture of pain and ecstasy. “Sara,” he growled, and pulled his head up, his hands reaching for my face.

“Yes?” God I was so close. I could feel my release teetering on the edge.

“You’re the only one I’ve ever made love to.”

My heart turned in my chest.

“Do you understand what I’m saying?” He bit his lip, as if he was on the edge too but wasn’t ready to jump over.

I nodded. “Yes.”

He kissed me hard and then his hands moved to my hips, and drove me faster, harder. “I’m there, baby… make me come.”

His words combined with his driving up inside me, sent me flying into bliss. He cried out, flying with me, filling me with his essence. Together we soared and then drifted back down until I collapsed in his arms. I held on to him, savoring the feel of his arms around me. The hot wetness of his cum filled me, perhaps creating life. The beat of his heart was under my cheek and I knew it beat only for me. Finally… finally I knew love.



I’d always known that my life could be happier, but I’d always thought the level of bliss I felt now was reserved for romance novels. Sometimes I woke with a start, worrying that it was all a dream. But then Chase would pull me into his arms and I’d immediately fall back asleep, knowing I was safe and loved.

Not that everything was perfect. Chase could hover more than I liked. I never felt controlled, by him, and I could certainly understand his desire to keep me safe. Still, sometimes a woman needed a moment to breathe.

Chase’s life at work seemed to be back to normal if the bickering and sniping that went on between the brothers was any indication. Chase was a loving husband, but he could be pretty ruthless when it came to business and to keeping his brothers in line.

I could hear them arguing from outside Chase’s office as I made my way to visit him, James in tow because he never left my side once I was out of the apartment.

“Some things never change,” Alex said as I approached and she nodded toward Chase’s door.

“I guess not.”

“How about lunch some time?” she asked. “Someplace not owned by one of these knuckleheads.”

“Is there such a place?” I asked.

James snickered and Alex grinned. “There won’t be for long. I think someday the Ravens will own the known world.” Alex shook her head. “Want me to let them know you’re here?”

“Nah, let me surprise them.” I walked over to Chase’s door.

“You’ve gone soft, Chase. Too much of a good thing can do that to you,” I heard Kade say.

“At least I’m not an asshole,” Chase snapped back.

“Not often anyway,” I said poking my head through the door.

Chase smiled when he saw me. Kade rolled his eyes.

“Someday Kade, a woman will get into that prickly heart of yours,” I said.

“Did you just call me a prick?” he said with a grin.

“If she didn’t, I will,” Hunter said, rising from his perch on the arm of the couch. “How are you Sara?”

“I’m very good, Hunter, thank you for asking.” He kissed me on the cheek as he made his exit.

“I’m heading to my office to work on the new club specs,” Ash said to Chase. To me he said, “Personally, I wish you’d soften him up more.”

“Stay out of my business, Chase. I mean it,” Kade said. As he walked past me he said, “If you ever change your mind about that asshole, let me know. I’m available.”

“Get out, Kade,” Chase growled.

Kade grinned, clearly enjoying that he got under Chase’s skin.

Chase came from around his desk, greeting me with a hug and a kiss. “Everything okay?”

“Yep, I just came to see my husband. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important.”

He shrugged. “We can get back to it later.” He guided me to his couch. “So, what’s up?”

“I brought you a present.” I sat down, and he took a seat next to me.

“It’s not Christmas or my birthday.” He took the rectangle box wrapped in red paper I handed him.

I frowned. “When is your birthday?” There was still so much I didn’t know about him.

“Not today.” He studied the box and then shook it. “What’s the occasion?”

“You need to open it to see.” I smiled at him.

He grinned back, and then reached for me, kissing me fully on the lips. “I’d rather unwrap you.”

My body came alive at his words. “That could be an option after you open your present.”

His eyes flashed with desire and then he ripped the paper off to reveal a gold pen box. “You got me a pen?”

“I don’t know. Open it.”

He lifted the lid of the box and his breath caught. He took out the white plastic stick, reading it. “Pregnant.” His gaze whipped up to mine. “You’re pregnant?”