Page 74 of Rebel Soul

“Out?” my dad asks with a shaky voice, but all I can think of is when in the hell did he and Colton talk?

“That’s right, sir,” West speaks up, covering for me. “We were able to raise your bail; it’s being posted first thing tomorrow. We just wanted to talk face-to-face first.”

My dad’s brown eyes, so much like my own, shine with a heartbreaking mixture of shame and gratitude. “Thank you.”

I finally find my voice. “It took longer than I wanted, but I’d never leave you here, Dad. Mom needs you. I need you.” I almost blurt out that his future grandbaby needs him, but now is definitely not the time to announce that. This baby is one of the best things to ever happen to me, and I refuse to give this awful place even an ounce of that happiness.

“Where did the money come from?” he asks, most likely afraid to know the answer.

“West helped,” is all I say, and thank the stars, he takes it at face value.

Dad and I fall quiet again and after a minute he asks, “How’d you get to be so good, wildflower?”

I offer a soft smile. “I learned it from you.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine


“Wake up, baby mama, we gotta go!” I say, jostling her lightly.

“Five more minutes,” she mumbles, rolling away from me.

“No can do. We have plans!”

She flops halfway over onto her back and blinks up at me. “What time is it?”


“West,” she whines, “my appointment isn’t until ten-thirty!”

Technically, she’s not wrong. But I have something up my sleeve, and she needs to get her hot ass up and ready. “They called and had to move it.” I’m lying through my teeth; hopefully she’s too sleepy to question it.

“Why would they call you?” she asks.

Shit. “Beats me, but we have to be there at nine now.”

She stretches her arms over her head and the covers slip down, revealing her bare breasts to me. Why do I find it so sexy that she went to bed naked after I fucked her into the damn mattress last night? “That’s in an hour!” she squeals, shooting out of the bed.

My eyes trail hungrily over her body. Stacia was already a goddess in her own right, but pregnancy has been good to my girl. Her breasts are larger, her hips are a little wider, and don’t even get me started on the roundness of her belly. It’s—no lie—the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, and I find myself making up reasons to touch it. There’s just something about knowing that our child, a life we created together, is growing inside of her that really blows my mind.

“No! Stop that!” she barks, snapping me out of my inner ramblings.

“Stop what?”

“Stop looking at me with those sex-eyes. We don’t have time!”

“Five minutes,” I challenge. “I could get you off in five minutes.”

Heat and indecision flare in her eyes. She’s torn between getting a shower and getting an orgasm. I bet I can flip the tides completely with a little persuasion.

I crook a finger her way. “C’mere, baby.”

She shakes her head, but she’s biting her lip and smiling.

“I’ll wake you up better than any shower.”

Stacia takes a hesitant step toward me, trying to play like she’s still on the fence. But I can tell from the way she’s rubbing her thighs together; she’s already made up her mind.

She takes another small step, and I reach out and grab her hips to pull her to me. I kiss and suck my way from one breast to the other, paying special attention to her pebbled nipples before growling, “Hands and knees, Stacia.”

I rise up from the bed and take a second to appreciate all she has on display for me before freeing myself from my jeans. I tease her opening with the blunt head of my cock before pushing inside of her.

As promised, I have us both climaxing five minutes later, leaving her with just enough time for a quick shower before we have to rush out the door.

It may sound lame as hell, but I’m fucking giddy with excitement as we wait to be called back at the OB’s office. Maybe because I know the real reason we’re here an hour and a half early.

By the time the nurse calls us back, I’m practically bursting out of my skin.

“What’s your glitch?” Stacia asks, elbowing my side as we walk to meet her.

“Just in a good mood, baby mama.”

“Uh-huh.” She clearly isn’t buying what I’m selling.

The nurse leads us back to the ultrasound room. Stacia’s twenty weeks pregnant, which means we’re doing the anatomy scan, which is perfect, because it keeps my girl from being suspicious.

“Good morning, you two,” Rachel says when we step into the room. “Are y’all ready?”

Stacia bounces on her toes. “So ready. Hopefully this little sprout cooperates this time around.”

I help her up onto the table, where she lifts her top and lies back.