Page 72 of Rebel Soul

He begins kissing his way down my body, shoving my shirt up and my shorts down as he goes, and before I know it, he’s wedged his wide shoulders between my thighs and is eating me like I’m a five-course, Michelin-star meal.

In record time, I’m shaking and moaning and clawing at the tops of his shoulders, his name a prayer on my lips as my climax takes me, overwhelming all of my senses. To say this isn’t how I saw our morning going would be an understatement—to say I’m disappointed would be an outright lie. The things this man can do with his tongue is the stuff of fairy tales—highly sexual fairy tales.

“Now that’s the way to wake up,” he murmurs, and I peel open my eyes just in time to see him swipe the back of his hand over his lips.

I sigh contentedly.

“You won’t hear me complaining.” I reach for the prominent bulge in his boxers, but the sexy jackass knocks my hand away and moves out of my reach. How is it that even when I’m trying to do something nice for him, I’m the one reaping the benefits?

“Consider that my happy gender reveal day gift to you.”

I pin him with a steely look. “It had better be the only gift you have planned today.”

He shrugs in that devil-may-care way of his, and I roll my eyes.

“I made you coffee. You got me off so fast, it may even still be hot!”

West laughs and moves me over to my side of the bed before plopping down next to me. He passes me my mug before taking a long sip from his. “Warm enough.”

He drains it in another long pull, and when he goes to set it back down, he notices the folded sheet of paper I’d brought with me. “What’s this?”

I bat my lashes. “I don’t know…why don’t you open it?”

His large fingers unfold the paper with care before he reads the words aloud. “Because your selflessness and generosity know no bounds.” Talk about an accurate note to kick things off with.

West looks to me with a cheesy grin. “What’s this?”

“One of the reasons I love you.”

“Well, shit, baby mama. I love you, too.”

West found two more of my love notes—because you make me the best version of me and because your sense of humor matches mine—before we left for my doctor’s appointment.

He’s been rocking a perma-grin ever since; even now as we sit in the dimly lit ultrasound room waiting on Rachel to come do her thing, he’s smiling.

“Good afternoon,” she greets when she walks into the room. “Are y’all ready to find out the gender?”

“Yes!” I say, nodding fervently.

“Great, let’s do this.”

I lift my top, as per her instructions, and she tucks a disposable towel into the waistband of my pants—stretchy as hell jeans West surprised me with—and squirts a bit of warm jelly onto my stomach.

She plays the sound of our baby’s heartbeat, which brings tears to my eyes, before rolling the Doppler all over my belly in search of the money shot. “Your little one is shy,” she murmurs, laughing lightly.

She keeps at it for about fifteen more minutes before calling it quits. “Well, guys, I’m sorry. Y’all’s baby is determined not to give us a show.”

My heart sinks a little, but I smile anyway; it’s not her fault the kid is stubborn—I mean, look at its parents. “That’s okay. We can try again another time, right?”

Rachel nods. “Absolutely.” She begins clicking around on her screen. “I’m going to take some measurements now, and then Dr. Flory will be in to perform the amnio.”

Both of our eyes stay riveted to the screen in case the baby decides to put on a show, which is silly, because Lord knows neither West nor I know how to read an ultrasound. Unless Rachel specifically points something out, it all kind of looks the same. I mean, obviously, a head is a head and the spine is the spine, but otherwise…yeah, no.

“All right, hang tight. Dr. Flory will be here in a minute.”

Ten minutes later, it’s go time. My shirt is gone, I’ve been draped with a cloth, prepped with an antibacterial iodine solution, the baby’s position is on the screen, and the needle is poised and ready for insertion.

West reaches out to hold my hand, and Dr. Flory inserts the needle. She withdraws the required fluid and then removes the needle. Aside from a small pinch and a little cramping, it’s a fairly easy procedure.

“Okay, we’ll get this off to the lab. Dad, you’ve already provided your DNA sample, correct?”

West nods. “Yes.”

“Great, we should have the results within a week or so. Stacia, you may experience cramping, fluid leakage, and irritation around the puncture site. If any of these complications happen, it is not immediate cause for alarm, unless they persist or worsen. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call.”