Page 70 of Rebel Soul

“That sounds…not so fun,” I say once we reach the end of the article.

“Clearly needles don’t scare me,” Stacia says, gesturing to her colorful and pierced skin.

“My little badass.” I kiss her cheek. “So, is this something you’re willing to do?”

She stares at me. “Dude. I was willing to do porn. I worked at a topless steakhouse. I can handle this easily. The question is, are you?”

I smooth some flyaways back from her face. “Absolutely.”

“Are you sure?”

“Does a cow have spots?”

“Um, not all cows—”

“Well, this cow does, baby mama. So, when we go to your appointment next week, we can set this up. Okay?”

She cozies up next to me and my heart beats a little faster in my chest. “Okay.”

“Great, now that that’s settled, why don’t we strip the sheets off the bed, hop in the shower, and have a little fun?”

Her brown eyes twinkle. “Fun, you say? What kind of fun?”

“The wet, soapy, naked kind.”

Stacia takes off for the bedroom. “Race you!”

“Cheater!” I call back, giving chase to her sexy ass.

Today’s Stacia’s fifteen-week appointment, which means we get to talk to Dr. Flory about setting up the amniocentesis test.

Stacia tried convincing me to skip this appointment since things at VK are absolutely insane right now.

After everything that happened at Buck and Lesli’s, I decided not to work with Hellerman. If you ask Colton, he’ll say it’s because of the way Dirk stared at Stacia’s tits, and yeah, that’s definitely part of it. But, mostly, the way he operated left me feeling slimy.

It ended up being for the best, too, because shortly after, another company—Fun for All—reached out with a proposal. They’re pretty much my vision for Virtual Kitty’s expansion come to life.

Together, we’re working on a line of novelty toys, merch, and eventually, we plan to move into a more diverse range of videos.

However, balls-to-the-wall busy or not, there’s no way in hell I’m missing a single appointment. No way, no how.

The sound of my ringtone for Stacia sounds from my pocket. I fish it out and answer. “Hey, baby mama, you on your way?”


“Me, too.”

“You know you don’t—”

“Stacia Iris Kellan, don’t finish that sentence. I told you from the start, I’d be at every single appointment. That wasn’t an empty promise; I meant every word.”

Plus, I have something to give her. Finding new ways to surprise and spoil her has quickly become my favorite thing. And this time, I went all out.

“Okay, see you soon. Love you.”

“Love you, too,” I reply and end the call.

Thanks to midday traffic, I roll up five minutes after her scheduled appointment time. I rush through the parking lot and into the building, relieved to see she’s still in the waiting room.

“So sorry,” I murmur, slipping into the chair beside her.

“No worries, they haven’t called me back.”

No sooner than she says the words does a nurse pop her head out and do just that.

We head back together, and I’m once again relegated to the small-ass chair while she and the nurse do their thing. A urine sample, weight check, and blood pressure later, we’re waiting in the exam room for Dr. Flory.

She doesn’t keep us waiting long. “Hello, Stacia and West. How’s everything?”

“Good. Really good,” Stacia says before frowning. “Though, I’ve been having a little pelvic pain.”

“You are?” I ask, worry thrumming through me. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

Stacia and Dr. Flory both hide smiles behind their hands. “Because I knew you’d go all he-man alpha on me.”

I huff. “Act like you don’t like it.”

Stacia cuts her eyes at me, and I settle down.

“Can you describe the feeling?” Dr. Flory asks.

“It’s kind of like a mild cramping feeling.”

“Any bleeding at all?”


“It’s most likely discomfort from your uterus growing. But we’re going to have a listen to the baby’s heartbeat anyway, for peace of mind.”

Stacia leans back and lifts her shirt. The good doc squirts some jelly onto her stomach before smoothing a little handheld Doppler over it. A whooshing sound fills the air, and I finally breathe easy.

“Everything sounds great. One hundred-and-forty-five beats per minute.” Stacia and I lock eyes over the doctor’s head; she looks as relieved as I feel.

“All right, any other questions?”

“One more,” Stacia says, looking to me for help.

“Due to familial and legal reasons, we need to have an amniocentesis test set up for paternity. We both know I’m the father, but we need it in writing from you, along with ultrasound pictures, and the amnio test results.”

Dr. Flory regards me, her face neutral, before turning to Stacia. “Is this something you want to do?”

My girl nods. “It is. Very much so.”

“Okay, then, we’ll set it up, but first, I need to go over the risks of the procedure with you to make sure you’re making an informed decision.”

Dr. Flory goes on to explain the risks, benefits, and possible side effects. Stacia and I unanimously decide it’s worth it, and through a stroke of luck, we’re able to schedule it at the same time as our ultrasound next week.