Page 62 of Rebel Soul

“That’s good, right? It means you’re pregnant?”

I nod, tears falling freely. “Yeah. Yes!”

West scoops me up and hugs me tight, pressing kisses all over my face.

Then a horrifying thought crosses my mind. “What if…what if it’s wrong?”

Without releasing me from his embrace, West says, “I read online that false positives are pretty rare. Wanna take another?”

“Just to be safe?” I ask, and he nods before dashing out to grab one.

He returns with a glass of water and two more boxes. I eye the water and he shrugs. “Just in case.”

I kick him out and repeat the steps of the first test with the two he brought me before calling him back in. This time, I keep them face up and we hover. The first of the two shows two blue lines—one in a rectangular window and the other in a round—before a full minute has even passed. The second is digital and it takes the full three minutes before the word pregnant flashes on the small screen.

“Holy shit,” I murmur and West echoes the sentiment. “We did it! We really did it!”

West shoots me a cocky look. “Bet it was on the first try, too.”

I roll my eyes and grin. As quickly as my euphoria sets in, worry replaces it. West must notice the change in my features because the next thing I know, he’s cradling me to him and asking what’s wrong.

“Nothing,” I assure him. “I’m so happy. I’m just a little overwhelmed, too. There’s so much I need to do. I need to make a doctor’s appointment. Hell, I need to find a doctor; mine only does the gyno-stuff. I need to tell my mom. Oh, God, how long do you wait to tell people? Oh, and AJ! I need to talk to AJ! I need vitamins…you know those…um—”

“Prenatal,” West supplies.

“Yeah, those. And I need to—”

West silences me with a kiss. His skilled lips ease my worries as I melt into him. “Breathe, baby,” he croons as he pulls back from me. “I’m here to help, and we’re gonna take this one step at a time.”

I look up at him with wide, helpless eyes. “What’s first?”

“First you call your doctor. His office will be able to make a suggestion on who to see.”

“Right. That’s smart.” I lay my head on his chest. “I’ll do that as soon as they open.”

“Good. Why don’t you take a bath in the meantime? Relax a little?”

“Okay, yeah.”

West steps away from me and turns the faucets on the tub. As it fills with warm water, he adds a squirt of his bodywash. “It’s not bubble bath, but it will still make bubbles.”

“And it’ll smell like you,” I say as I strip. “Join me?”

He helps me into the tub and steps back. “I actually have a phone call or two to make myself. I’ll leave the doors open, just holler if you need me.”

I pout.

He grins and walks out of the bathroom only to reenter a moment later with my kindle in hand. “Figured you might want to read.”

“You’re amazing.”

“Damn right, I am. Super sperm and a heart of gold—I’m the total package, baby.”

I flick sudsy water at his retreating form before reclining back into the massive soaker tub and diving back into my latest read—coincidentally, it’s a surprise pregnancy book from one of my favorite authors—and before I know it, I’m completely lost in the story.

Thirty minutes later, I emerge from the bath pruney and smelling like West. I wrap myself in my robe and head out in search of him.

I find him in the living room, seated on the couch with his laptop perched on his knees. “Whatcha doing?” I ask, settling down onto the cushion next to him with my feet tucked up next to me.

“Research,” he says, reaching out to stroke my ankle.

“What kind?”

“Obstetricians in the area. I’ve found two that are top-ranked and accepting new patients. But, let’s see who your doctor suggests as well.”

“Really? That’s what you’re researching?”

West shrugs sheepishly. “Yeah, and I ordered some pregnancy books from Amazon and downloaded an app to my phone that will update every week with what’s happening with our little sprout and…oh, God, I sound crazy.”

I lean over and move his laptop off of him, setting it on the cushion next to mine before crawling onto his lap. I sit straddling him, our stares locked. “You don’t sound crazy. Not at all. You sound amazing and loving and excited.”

“That’s because I am. I’m so fucking excited, baby.”

My gaze drops to his lips, and I lick my own before moving in. Our mouths clash in perfect synchronicity. I moan as his tongue sweeps into my mouth and his hands move to my hair.

I expect him to rake his fingers through it and tug on it possessively; instead, he uses the leverage to pull me away from him.