Page 58 of Rebel Soul

“Yes, fuck, yes!” I cry, wrapping my legs around his waist.

“Feels so good,” he pants, one hand gripping my chin, keeping my eyes on his as the other reaches between us. “Gonna need you to get there,” he tells me as his skillful fingers join the party.

“So close,” I moan as he drives into me with enough force to rattle the walls. He pushes my right leg flush with my chest, allowing him to hit a spot I’ve only ever dreamed about, and before I know it, I am screaming his name as my climax takes me.

Pleasure swims through my veins and over my skin as he continues, relentless in his pursuit of his own release, until finally, his movements falter, and he follows me into oblivion before collapsing on top of me.

“Bet we nailed it on the first try.” He speaks the words against my pleasure-soaked skin, and I smile.

“Ah, but this isn’t the first time.”

West rolls off of me and pulls me into him so I’m cradled against his side with my head on his chest. “I didn’t say first time, I said first try. Pay attention, baby mama.”

“Smartass.” I tilt my head to look up at him, only to find he’s already looking down at me with a soft look. “Think we should try again? You know, just in case?”

“Fuck yes!” He grips me around my middle and moves me to straddle him like I’m a ragdoll. I’m shocked to find he’s actually ready to go again, his hardness prodding at my entrance.

With a sexy smirk, I waste no time sinking down onto him for round two.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


The past three weeks with Stacia have been fucking magical. Now that she’s only working the one job, our spare time is spent together, usually in between my sheets.

She’s even taken to sleeping in my bed most nights, which I love. There’s nothing better than waking up to her wrapped around me—well, other than waking up to her lips wrapped around my cock. That’s the absolute best.

The two of us have kind of created our own little cocoon. But tonight, our presence has been requested—no, demanded—by Brock and AJ.

He texted me this morning, most likely at the urging of his little spitfire of a wife, and informed me we were getting pizza at seven.

So, here we are, outside of Vinny’s at five til seven, waiting on my cousin and Abby Jane to show.

Which they do, at seven on the dot. AJ rushes us and pulls Stacia into a tight hug. I feel a surge of guilt as I watch the two women. I’ve been selfish with Stacia’s time, and that’s not fair. Here and now, I resolve to share my girl with the world, even if I’d much rather keep her all to myself.

As they talk in quiet, rapid tones, Brock’s keen eye notices me watching her, and he lifts a brow in question. “It’s a thing,” I say.

“What kind of thing? A you’re into her thing or a she’s a means to an end kind of thing?”

Even though it’s fair, I bristle at his implication. “It’s an I love her kind of thing.”

Brock rocks back on his heels and whistles. “Didn’t see that coming.”

His wife spins to us and loops an arm around his middle. “You’re the only one then.” Swear to God, she has the hearing of a damn bat.

“Yeah, whatever,” Brock says, pushing the worn, glass-paneled red door open. “Let’s eat.”

The four of us all groan in anticipation as we step into Vinny’s. The scent of fresh dough, simmering sauce, and crushed garlic rushes to meet us.

We grab a table near the window and order promptly when our server comes by—draft root beers all around, with a pepperoni and half black olive and green pepper pie for the married couple, and a meat lovers for Stacia and myself.

“So, strangers,” AJ murmurs with an evil glint in her brown eyes. “How long have y’all been official?”

Stacia’s cheeks go rosy, and I love it. “About a month.”

“Uh-huh, and anything else to share?”

I reach over and take Stacia’s hand into mine, silently letting her know I’m here no matter what she chooses to disclose to her best friend.

“We’ll catch up soon. I promise.”

AJ pins her with a glare, menacingly pointing a breadstick her way. “I’ll hold you to that, bitch.”

“I’m sure you will, but tonight, let’s just have fun!”

Over the course of way too many slices, the four of us catch up. It’s insane the amount of shit that can happen in just a few weeks—case in point, Stacia and me. But also, the nonprofit AJ works for received a new grant, and she’s over the moon, and Brock is playing in an upcoming PGA Pro Tour qualifier.

Needless to say, big things are happening, and the four of us have a lot to celebrate.