“Yes, it’s possible Cecilia could make noises about Julia and her abilities and it will look odd if Cecilia refuses to be a reader on the dissertation. But Julia is already making a name for herself based on hard work. So a semester abroad will be a good opportunity for her, even if Cecilia decides to be petulant. I will do my best to neutralize the gossip, and if Julia continues to impress Don Wodehouse, he will as well.” Katherine straightened in her chair. “And we are not to be trifled with.

“Now, since we’ve spoken of academic policies, cancer, and death, I’m going to invoke the privilege of an old woman and I’m going to tell you something.” Katherine placed her teacup aside, her expression growing serious. “Gabriel, you must be careful not to sabotage your career.”

He began to protest but Katherine interrupted by lifting a single finger.

“Look back at your life with an objective eye, and you’ll see that I’m right. You got yourself into a predicament in Toronto, which ended all right but could have derailed your career. Now you find yourself in a potential conflict with Cecilia, and I know you must be thinking how you can get out of the Sage Lectures so you can keep your family together.”

Gabriel shut his mouth firmly.

Katherine wagged her finger at him. “I knew it. Cecilia is threatening Julianne. You’ve had your house broken into and you’re worried it will happen again. Now you’re regretting your acceptance of the Sage Lectureship and thinking you’ll fall on your sword in order to protect everyone.

“You made a promise, and you have to keep it, no matter what happens with Julia and Harvard. Backing out of the Sage Lectures, except in the case of death, will derail your career. As much as you and Julia are equally scholars and equally important, the t

ruth of the matter is she is a student. She can find a new supervisor, she can transfer to a different graduate program, but you can’t regain the respect of the academic community if you insult the University of Edinburgh. So before you do something that can’t be undone, I want you to listen to what I’m saying.

“Julia has agency and she needs to make her own decision about who her supervisor will be. I can’t speak about the security of your house but knowing you, you’ll install a security system that will rival that of Buckingham Palace and no one will dare trouble you again. But you are going to Scotland next year, and that’s that.” Katherine brushed her hands together, as if she were ridding them of dust.

Gabriel was silent.

“It’s far too early to be so morose.” Katherine went over to him. “I’ve overstepped, I’m sure. But I care for you. In many ways, you and Julianne are my children—my academic children. Any legacy I have, academic or financial, will be passed to you and to my goddaughter.”

Gabriel swallowed against the lump that formed in his throat. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything. You have forbidden me to die, and I have forbidden you to turn down the Sage Lectures. Provided we each keep our end of the bargain, all will be well.”

She patted him on the shoulder. “Cecilia will likely get over her fit of pique by April. And if she doesn’t, Julia can study with me and I’ll gladly send her to Scotland. When I have a chance to speak with her privately, I’ll tell her. And I’ll stress my good health.”

“Thank you.” Gabriel’s tone was carefully polite.

Katherine squeezed his shoulder. “Now, Wonder Woman is going to make breakfast, wearing as your sister puts it, an age-appropriate pantsuit.”

She chuckled to herself and continued to the kitchen, leaving Gabriel to mull over her words.

Chapter Fifty-Two

Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas.” Old St. Nicholas himself (formerly known as Richard) entered the living room.

He wore a full white beard and a white wig beneath a red hat. His Santa suit was red velvet and trimmed with white. He carried a set of sleigh bells, which he jingled heartily.

He greeted Aaron and Rachel, who was taking pictures, and Katherine and Gabriel. Scott and Tammy were spending Christmas with Tammy’s parents in Philadelphia and would travel to Selinsgrove a few days later.

As Father Christmas approached Julia and Clare, the baby burst into tears.

Richard stood back, stunned.

“Oh, dear,” said Julia, holding her crying daughter. “I didn’t expect this.”

“I did,” said Rachel. “Clare has no idea who he is. He could be an ax murderer.”

“Really?” Gabriel gave his sister a censorious look. “An ax murderer?”

Richard moved the sleigh bells somewhat anemically. “Merry Christmas.”

Clare continued to wail and turned her face into her mother’s chest.

Richard lowered his arms. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m not.” Katherine stepped forward. “You’re a very good Father Christmas. Authentic costume, hearty laugh. Well done, sir.”