Gabriel gave Clare the bunny. “No. We don’t have to decide anything tonight.”

“What about the security specialist?”

“He’s at our service. I think we’d be wise to have him upgrade the security system whether we move or not.”

Julia met Gabriel’s gaze. “We were supposed to leave for Selinsgrove tomorrow. We were supposed to pick Katherine up at the airport.”

“Rachel and Aaron are picking up Katherine. I promise we’ll be in Selinsgrove on Christmas Eve.”

“It’s Clare’s first Christmas.”

“It will be a good one, I promise.”

Julia looked back at the fire.

“If the house is empty for a couple of weeks, perhaps the intruder will make his move,” Gabriel pointed out.

“With a new security system? If he’s a professional, he’ll notice the upgrade.”

“Hopefully, it will deter him.” Gabriel’s tone grew harsh. “And if it doesn’t, he will get caught. If it were just me, I’d go after the thief myself. But I’m not leaving you and I’m not putting you or the baby at risk.”

“You’d go after him?”


Julia began massaging her temples with her fingers. “I can’t deal with this right now.”

Gabriel got to his feet and carefully maneuvered her so he was sitting in the chair and she was nestled in his lap.

She buried her face in his neck. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep tonight.”

Gabriel held her tightly. “I’m sorry I failed you.”

“You didn’t fail me. You did what you could and fought off the intruder, and in your pajamas, no less.”

Gabriel’s expression remained grave. “I’ll tell the security specialist to start upgrading the system tomorrow. Then we can focus on Christmas. I haven’t finished my shopping.”

“I thought you finished it weeks ago.”

“Maybe.” He stroked the arches of her eyebrows and gently caressed her cheeks.

Clare began to cry and Julia quickly picked her up.

“Sssshhhh,” Julia hushed. “Everything will be okay.”

Gabriel observed his wife and child and prayed she was right.

Chapter Fifty

Christmas Eve

Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania

Gabriel sat in an armchair in the master bedroom, holding his laptop. The screen of the computer glowed blue in the darkened room. In the opposite corner, a whimsical night light projected pink stars on the ceiling, above Clare’s playpen.

The two people he loved most in the world were sleeping. Exhaustion had taken its toll on Julianne, and she slept soundly now, too. Only Gabriel had difficulty sleeping.

Kurt, Nicholas’s contact, had delivered a warning to Simon. Reportedly, the warning was clear, concise, and persuasive. Kurt doubted Simon would approach the Emersons again, either directly or indirectly, but he continued his surveillance, just in case.