“Bullshit. Whatever they were lacking, Graham or one of his colleagues could offer you a directed research course.”

“I hadn’t thought of that.” Julia was having difficulty keeping up with Gabriel’s long strides, even ignoring the strange numbness in her leg.

He seemed to recognize her distress and slowed his pace. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to rush you.”

“I’m okay,” Julia lied.

“I don’t understand why Cecilia has turned on us. I thought we were friends.” Gabriel muttered a few choice expletives.

“She mentioned something about the dean scolding Greg Matthews, since no one in his department has been asked to give the Sage Lectures in a long time.”

“That’s true. But the lectureship is international. And it covers all fields in the humanities, not just literature.”

“Greg told Cecilia you were considered for the endowed chair they gave to her. The dean brought it up.” Julia and Gabriel exchanged a look.

“Considered and rejected,” Gabriel scoffed, sounding bitter. “I like Greg, but being awarded the Sage Lectures after being turned down by his department was a very satisfying middle finger to all of them.”

“Now Cecilia is giving me the middle finger.”

Gabriel stopped. He unlinked their connection and placed his hands on her shoulders. “She’s giving me the middle finger. You’re just a convenient target.”

Julia ignored his remark and instead looked down at her child and took her tiny hand. “Hi, Clare.”

The baby gurgled and smiled, kicking her feet out the sides of the baby carrier.

Julia returned Clare’s smile. “We shouldn’t talk about this in front of her. She’ll pick up on the negative vibes.”

“All right,” Gabriel said stiffly.

They continued their walk to the car.

“But this is not over.” He gave Julia an ominous look.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

What do you want to do?” Gabriel sat facing Julianne in their bedroom.

Rebecca was giving Clare a bath and readying her for bed.

Julia picked at the material of her jeans. “Cecilia said she’d look at the Edinburgh courses. Once I get the schedule, I’ll show them to her.”

Gabriel sat back and crossed his arms. “Cecilia also told you she wouldn’t approve a semester abroad.”

“I have to try,” Julia said quietly.

“We need to talk to Katherine.”


“Why not?” Gabriel stood and began to pace. “She can offer advice.”

“Katherine will confront Cecilia and then Cecilia will drop me.”

“I’m beginning to think that’s a good thing,” Gabriel huffed.

“No, it isn’t. If Cecilia drops me, word will get out. It will damage my reputation. And I won’t have a dissertation director.”

Gabriel stopped pacing. “Work with Katherine.”