“Are—you—okay?” he managed to say, his lips dropping to her collarbone.

“Hurry.” She tugged at his hair, urging him on.

Gabriel’s movements quickened and he lifted his mouth to hers.

She welcomed him and his tongue swept inside her mouth.

A few more thrusts and she felt her pleasure crest. Her grip on his shoulders tightened as she signaled her orgasm.

Gabriel continued moving inside her, anchoring her to his body with his arms. He came with an expletive, stilling.

She held him close as he released.

Gabriel’s head slumped to her shoulder and he exhaled loudly. She pressed a kiss to his hair.

They were both quiet as their heart rates decreased and their breathing slowed. Julia nuzzled his ear with her nose.

“You’ll catch cold,” Gabriel whispered.

“Not if you continue holding me.”

He chuckled and kissed her shoulder. “Sorry about the underwear.”

“I can’t bring myself to care.”

“That’s my girl.” Gabriel pulled back and kissed her tenderly. “My beautiful, smart girl.”

He disengaged from her body and swiftly disposed of the condom. Then he retrieved tissues, attending her first before seeing to himself. He retrieved his suit jacket and placed it around Julia’s shoulders, while he redressed.

He gave her his naked back as he lifted his dress shirt.

“Gabriel!” She covered her mouth in horror.

He strained his neck, looking over his shoulder. “What?”

Julia pointed to the scratches and scrapes her heels had wrought above his backside and across his shoulder blades. She winced. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m not.” He flashed a grin that rivaled the sun. “I wear my love scars with pride.”

She cringed, for she regretted marring his skin.

He lifted her chin with a single finger. “We wound one another, but we can also heal one another.” He lowered his gaze. “The healing I received from you is perhaps the most important of my life.”

“Gabriel,” she whispered, grasping his arm at the wrist.

He kissed her. “I’m sorry I have to go. They’ll be looking for me upstairs.”

“I need to get back to the hotel to feed Clare. I only left two bottles with Rebecca.” Julia hopped down from the desk but nearly fell over when her right heel hit the floor.

“Steady.” He wrapped his arm around her waist as she tottered on her heels. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.” She brushed her hair behind her ears and lowered her eyes, pulling up her basque to cover her breasts. The numbness in her right leg had returned and so she’d almost turned an ankle as she tried to stand. But she wasn’t going to tell Gabriel about it—she didn’t want to worry him, especially not at such a critical time for him as this.

“Are you sure?” He lowered his head so he could look into her eyes.

She flashed a quick smile. “Of course.” She picked up her dress and he helped her step into it.

Gabriel zipped up her dress. “Our hosts are planning another dinner this evening. I’ll call you when I know the details.”