“Soon,” his lips whispered.
Julia felt her skin heat.
He released her hand and placed his own protectively at her lower back, then turned to Professor Wodehouse. They exchanged a few remarks before he and Graham excused themselves.
Julia took hold of Gabriel’s elbow, eager to tell him what had just transpired, but they were interrupted by a group of faculty members.
Gabriel introduced Julia and Katherine and they exchanged pleasantries. As the reception wore on, Katherine fell into conversation with an old friend and Gabriel introduced Julia to more people than she could count.
Finally, they stood by themselves in a corner.
Gabriel leaned forward, his lips hovering near her ear. “Miss Mitchell?”
Gabriel’s breath whispered against her neck. “It’s time for our meeting.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
Gabriel opened the door to a small office, which was situated on a deserted corridor on the main floor of the college. He stood aside to let Julianne enter, and closed and locked the door behind them. “They gave me a key to this room so I could store my regalia.”
The office boasted floor-to-ceiling bookshelves on two walls and a large window that looked out onto the quad. Gabriel crossed to the window and pulled a sheer curtain over it, shielding them from passersby.
His regalia was packed away in a garment bag that hung carefully on the back of the door. His briefcase sat forgotten on a leather chair, next to a floor lamp. Light shone in through the sheer curtains and so Gabriel didn’t bother with the lamp. He strode toward Julianne, engulfing her in his arms.
“We don’t have much time.” His voice was a whisper, as if the very walls were listening. “I’m supposed to go back upstairs for interviews. I’m sorry.”
“You did a great job. The audience reacted well to your talk. Katherine was very pleased.” Julia was feeling off-balance in the wake of her conversation with Professor Wodehouse. She was a little worried her plans would get back to her supervisor before she had the chance to speak to her directly.
Gabriel tightened his embrace, burying his face in her exposed neck.
“I saw you holding your own with Don Wodehouse,” he spoke against her skin. “I think you’ve acquired a fan.”
“He scares me.” She inhaled Gabriel’s scent—Aramis and peppermint.
“I think he scares everyone.” Gabriel kissed her neck. “But he’s a man. Why wouldn’t he want to talk to the prettiest girl at the reception?”
Gabriel’s hands sought her face and he lifted it, looking down with warmth into her eyes. “You are so beautiful.”
She smiled shyly. “Thank you. I was hoping you’d like the dress. I packed it thinking I’d wear it to one of the parties.”
He moved back, surveying her appraisingly. “A goddess in green.”
His lips met hers before she could reply, his kiss firm but reverent. For a moment, at least, he didn’t move. His mouth simply pressed against hers.
Julia reached up to wind her arms around his neck.
Gabriel’s lips whispered across hers, pecking the corners of her mouth. He kissed and retreated, kissed and retreated, almost as if he were tasting a fine wine and wished to savor it. Their bodies pressed together. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me, too.” Julia resisted the urge to broach the subject of next year. She hadn’t had a chance to describe her conversation with Professor Wodehouse.
“I suppose you’re wondering why I asked you to my office.” Gabriel traced a single finger down her neck.
She turned and kissed the edge of his hand.
“Take down your hair,” he whispered.
Julia obliged, deconstructing her hairstyle. She withdrew pin after pin, placing them on his desk.