Gabriel scowled. “Nonsense. No one wants to see me in a kilt.”
Julia smothered a smile. “You’d be surprised.”
He gazed into her eyes, his blue irises piercing through her façade. “Is that worrying you? The female population?”
Julia wanted to lie. She desperately, desperately wanted to lie. “A little.”
“I’m with you—in Cambridge, Edinburgh, everywhere.” Gabriel’s thumb traced a meridian down the center of Julia’s sole. His eyes focused on hers.
“I don’t want to commute,” Julia said in a small voice. Her eyes grew watery.
“I was going to say the same thing.” Gabriel met her gaze, blinking rapidly. He tried to switch his attention to her right leg, but she waved him off.
“Clare is just finishing.” Julia turned off the breastfeeding app.
Gabriel stood and lifted the baby into his arms, kissing her cheek. He retrieved a cloth from the changing table and placed it on his shoulder. He patted the baby’s back and swayed on his bare feet, waiting for her to burp.
Julia’s heart skipped a beat.
“I’m so proud of you,” she whispered.
Gabriel gave her a questioning look.
“Being appointed the Sage Lecturer,” she explained. “As well as being a good father and a good husband.”
“I’m far from good,” Gabriel murmured. He averted his eyes, almost as if her praise embarrassed him. “Mostly I’m selfish. I’m selfish about you and I’m selfish about Clare.”
“I wonder what the University of Edinburgh will think of having a father in residence.”
“If they say anything, I’ll sue them for discrimination.” Gabriel’s face indicated he wasn’t kidding.
Julia adjusted
her nightgown and stood on her left leg, taking great care to hide her physical trouble from her husband. Her right leg still felt numb.
Gabriel bent down and kissed her. “Why don’t you go to bed? I’ll rock Clare back to sleep. She likes to hear me sing.”
Julia laughed. “Who doesn’t?”
She placed their foreheads together. Then she returned to their bedroom, limping as soon as she was out of Gabriel’s sight.
Chapter Eighteen
A few days later
On the day of the baptism, Rachel and Aaron stood next to their car in the driveway, speaking with Gabriel.
“Just follow us into the parking garage and we’ll walk to the chapel together.”
“We’ll keep up.” Rachel glanced in the direction of the front lawn. “Looks like the flamingo company came to take them away. Except for one.”
“What’s that?” Gabriel moved so he could see the flower beds in the front yard. Next to a large hydrangea stood a pink plastic flamingo, wearing a pair of black sunglasses.
He turned accusatory eyes on his sister. “Did you do that?”
“I deny everything.” Rachel pushed past Aaron to open the car door.
“Will it be here when we get back?” Gabriel lifted his voice.