Gabriel scowled, wondering who was eliciting such a reaction from his wife. He spat out the toothpaste, rinsed his toothbrush, and stalked toward her.
Julianne collided with him in the doorway, her dark eyes dancing. “You’ll never guess who emailed me.”
The Angelfucker, Gabriel thought, but did not say.
He plastered a restrained smile on his face. “Who?”
“Professor Wodehouse.”
“Don Wodehouse? Of Magdalen College?”
“Yes!” Julianne held her cell phone aloft and danced in a circle.
Thank God it isn’t the Angelfucker.
Gabriel took her hand. “Why did Wodehouse email you?”
“He’s hosting a workshop on Guido da Montefeltro and Ulysses. It’s by invitation only and he’s invited me.”
“That’s great. When is it?”
“Early April, between Hilary and Trinity term. He’s hosting it at Magdalen and it’s funded by a research grant he was awarded.”
Gabriel squeezed her. “Who else was invited?”
“Cecilia Marinelli and Katherine. But it looks like Professor Wodehouse is directing it.” Julia scanned the recipient list. “No Professor Pacciani. No Christa Peterson, either.”
“Thank heaven for small mercies.”
“Paul was invited, along with a bunch of people I don’t know.”
The Angelfucker strikes again.
“Norris was invited.” Gabriel sniffed in mock umbrage. “But not Professor Emerson?”
Julia looked up at him. She bit her lip.
“Don’t.” Gabriel’s thumb tugged on her lower lip, freeing it. “I’m proud of you. You impressed Wodehouse when you gave your paper at Oxford. You earned the invitation.”
“I’m sorry you weren’t invited.” Julia looked unhappy.
Gabriel kissed her forehead. “Don’t be. This is great news. Wodehouse is not easily impressed.”
She studied her husband’s features. “And Paul?”
“Paul does good work.” Gabriel wore a pained expression, as if he were struggling to be positive. “Katherine probably invited him. Although I’m not sure why, since he doesn’t really work on Guido or Ulysses.”
“I want to go.”
“Of course. Email Wodehouse and tell him.”
“What about Clare?”
“We’ll come to Oxford with you.” Gabriel smiled. “Rebecca and I can take care of Clare.”
“Thank you.” Julia brushed her lips against his. “By April, Clare should be sleeping through the night. I hope.”
“Cecilia will see your name on the recipient list, but you should email her. And send an email to the chair of your department.”