“Yes, well, I don’t just have doubts; I have grievances. Why don’t you ask Katherine to be the official godmother? She said she was Catholic.”
“She’s been dropping hints since we announced my pregnancy.” Julia gave her friend a rueful smile.
“See? She’s into it. She’ll be perfect as the godmother.”
“What about you?” Julia crossed the room to her friend.
“I get to be Aunt Rachel.” She leaned down and kissed the baby’s forehead. The baby crinkled her brow but kept her eyes closed.
“I’ll talk to Gabriel.” Julia paused. “How are you doing? Really?”
“I went off the fertility medication, but you knew that.”
“How are you feeling about that?”
“Physically? I’m fine. But I’m in sorrow, Jules. I really wanted to have a baby, but that won’t happen.”
“I’m so sorry.” Julia touched her friend’s shoulder.
Rachel stroked the fine hair on Clare’s head. “Aaron told me he didn’t care if we had a baby. He’s more concerned about me.”
“He loves you like crazy.”
Rachel kept her gaze fixed on her niece. “My life hasn’t turned out the way I expected. I thought I’d have my mom forever. I thought she’d be with me when I got married, and when I had babies.”
Julia made a noise and put her arms around her friend.
“But I just keep going, you know? There has to be a way forward. Aaron and I talked about adoption. Maybe that’s something we can explore.”
“Of course. And Gabriel and I will help, if we can.” Julia held on to her friend, a tear coursing down her face.
Although Rachel was very brave, there were no words that would heal her wound. No magic that would alter the circumstances.
“I want permission to spoil this child.” Rachel lifted the baby and placed her against her shoulder. “I want to start by buying a large and extravagant toy or contraption that will take Gabriel days or even weeks to put together. And I want you to film the entire process.”
Julia laughed. “Permission granted.”
Chapter Twelve
Just before midnight, Julia sat in the nursery, feeding Clare.
Gabriel was situated in the rocking chair, watching over his family. He was touching his wedding band, turning it round and round on his finger. Although his focus was primarily on his current conversation, in the back of his mind nagged an important piece of information he’d yet to share with his wife.
Julianne had wanted to delay having a family. Yet here they were. And Gabriel’s news was going to change everything.
He shook himself from his reverie. “I spoke with Father Fortin today. Rachel is correct—the official godparent has to be Catholic. We could baptize Clare in the Episcopal church.”
“Rachel says she would feel hypocritical being an official godmother.”
“I could speak to her.”
As if in reaction to her father’s words, Clare finished feeding. She gazed up at her mother.
“Let me.” Gabriel stood and crossed to Julia, taking the baby into his arms. He retrieved a clean flannel cloth from nearby and placed it on his bare shoulder, carefully positioning the infant over the flannel.
The child wriggled in his arms, protesting noisily until her father’s hand rested on her back. Gabriel began to pat her.
Julia rebuttoned the top of her silk pajamas. “I think we need to let Rachel be. She’s dealing with a lot and I don’t want to pressure her into doing something she’s uncomfortable about.”