“He’s inviting you to give a paper?”

“Yes, my paper on Guido da Montefeltro. He wants me to deliver it on the first day of the workshop.”

Gabriel scanned the email and returned the phone. “That’s quite an honor.”

“Do you think I should do it? I’ll be making myself conspicuous very quickly.”

Gabriel put his reading glasses away. “Of course you should do it. Wodehouse has already heard the paper and it has been published. He probably wants you to provoke the attendees.”

“He’ll be giving a paper on Ulysses.” She scrolled through her email. “I don’t know. Giving a paper, and then being followed by Wodehouse and his paper? I’ll look terrible.”

“Nonsense.” Gabriel swung his legs over the side of the chaise and leaned over to retrieve Clare.

“Cecilia will be there.”

“She’s the one who first read that paper. She endorsed it.”

“She may have changed her mind.”

“Then Wodehouse will have her for breakfast. He’s the one inviting you; it’s his workshop and his reputation.” Gabriel reached into the children’s cabana and retrieved Clare, along with a book, The Runaway Bunny.

Clare reached for the book eagerly and began chattering.

“I also have an email from Graham Todd,” Julia volunteered.

Gabriel sat Clare on his lap and opened the book to the first page. “What is he saying?”

“He doesn’t have the schedule yet for the fall, but he’s teaching a graduate course on angels and demons in The Divine Comedy.”

Gabriel looked over with interest. “That sounds fun.”

“Yes. He’s also teaching a Renaissance poetry course for undergraduates, and he’s asking if I’d like to be his teaching assistant. He said the workload wouldn’t be onerous. He can’t promise a stipend, although he thinks he could offer me an honorarium. But he says he’s offering the position to give me experience.” Julia put down her phone. “Edinburgh is rolling out the red carpet for both of us.”

“I think someone has been talking.” Gabriel sounded grim.


“A certain English person wh

o happens to have the initials KP.”

“Oh, you mean Wonder Woman?”

Gabriel shook his head. “Rachel is mad. Do you know she bought Katherine a Wonder Woman T-shirt?”

“Katherine will never wear it.”

“No, but I’d lay money she frames it and puts it on a wall somewhere.”

“The children in Florence thought you were Superman.”

“They did.” Gabriel smiled broadly at the memory. “And you were my Lois Lane.”

“I’d like to go to Florence this summer. I’d like us to spend time with Maria.”

Gabriel turned his head. Julia gazed at him hopefully.

“Of course. You know, she may be adopted at any time.”