“It’s your Christmas present.”

“You already gave me my Christmas present.” Julia gestured to the boxes and tissue that were strewn across the bed. Gabriel had insisted she open her gifts privately, and she was glad he had. He’d bought her underthings of various sorts, ranging from the elegant to the erotic.

She had gifted him with a new set of Montblanc fountain pens. And she’d had a very large black-and-white photograph of him and a newborn Clare printed and framed. The picture was so beautiful it made Julia’s heart ache.

“Open it.” Gabriel repeated.

She slipped her finger under the envelope’s flap and stuck her hand inside. She retrieved a paper palm tree.

“Paper dolls?” she asked.

“No.” Gabriel chuckled and turned the palm tree around so she could see what was printed on the other side.


“I’m taking you and Clare on a holiday. We’re staying in South Beach, overlooking the ocean. Merry Christmas.” He appeared very pleased with himself.

Julia looked down at the palm tree. “I’ve never been to Miami.”

“It’s warm, there isn’t any snow, and the food is exceptional. We’ll be able to take Clare for walks in the sunshine and dig our toes into the sand. A true vacation.”

She hugged him around the waist. “I’m shocked. I had no idea you were planning a trip.”

“My first choice was Hawaii, but I thought that might be too long a flight for Clare. I’ve had it with winter, Julianne. If I don’t see the sun soon, I’m going to lose it.”

Julia resisted the urge to laugh. “We’ve had snow less than a month.”

“I want to put some distance between us and Cambridge. I booked flights for January second from Philadelphia. We’ll be gone two weeks.”

“What about Rebecca? What about the house?”

“I invited Rebecca to join us, but she decided to extend her visit with her children. She’ll meet us back in Massachusetts.”

“And the house?”

“Still waiting to see if the intruder makes his move. The security company is monitoring everything; they’ve installed cameras, motion detectors, and a double-relay system, so the alarm can’t be bypassed outside. I also spoke with Leslie. She’s been keeping an eye on things for us and will continue to do so.”

Julia met Gabriel’s gaze. “When we get back, will we return to the house?”

Gabriel’s expression shifted. “Let’s talk about it in Miami. Jack’s friend is still pounding the pavement, trying to find the thief. And Leslie is very attentive. She may be the best security system we have.”

“I don’t have any summer clothes with me. And I don’t have summer clothes for Clare.”

“You can buy bikinis and shorts in Miami.”

“Bikinis? Gabriel, I just had a baby. And I had a c-section.”

“Four months ago.” His gaze dropped to her chest and lower down. “You look great.”

“You are such a man.” She shook her head.

“I apologize for nothing. I’m only irritated we have a house full of family and the walls aren’t soundproofed.”

“I bet the closet is soundproofed.” Julia looked over his shoulder.

Gabriel turned the flamingo so it was facing the opposite direction of the closet. Then he lifted Julia into his arms and fairly ran into the closet, closing the door behind them.

“Let’s find out, shall we?” His mouth descended to hers.