With much regret,

Professor Gabriel O. Emerson, PhD

Department of Romance Studies

Department of Religion

Boston University

Gabriel sat back in his chair and reread the email. Then he closed his computer.

Chapter Fifty-One

Christmas morning

Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania

Gabriel had been busy.

In true, Santa-like fashion, he’d stuffed the stockings that were hung with care from the mantel and placed carefully wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree.

(No, he hadn’t wrapped the gifts himself. He’d done what every self-respecting husband did at Christmas; he’d had the associates at the various stores wrap gifts for him.)

Now he was lighting a fire in the fireplace.

“I thought Father Christmas wore red.”

Gabriel cursed, his hand clutching his heart.

A warmhearted chuckle emanated from the armchair near the window. A wrinkled hand reached out and switched on a nearby lamp. “Happy Christmas.”

“Happy Christmas, Katherine.” Gabriel drew a deep breath as his heart began beating normally. She’d given him quite a shock and ever since the break-in, he’d found himself jumpier than usual.

He gazed down at the pajamas that Julianne had gifted him the night before—green tartan flannel with images of moose imposed on them. “Father Christmas is an environmentalist this year and paying tribute to the moose population.”

“I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m still on Oxford time and have been awake for hours. I took the liberty of assembling an English baked omelet for everyone. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.”

“I left out the tomatoes because some people don’t like them.” She refilled her china teacup from the teapot next to her. “I’m grateful you allowed me to invite myself for Christmas. I’ve grown tired of my extended family and their shenanigans. Did you know my cousin rang me back in November to say they were having a vegan Christmas dinner? I tend toward vegetarianism but even for me, that was a bridge too far. I knew you’d have the good sense to serve something other than Tofurkey.”

“Ah, yes. Julianne and Rachel are cooking a genuine turkey.”

“Excellent.” Katherine pursed her lips. “I had an interesting conversation with your sister on the way from the airport.”

“Oh?” Gabriel sat near the fire and leaned forward, resting his forearms over his knees.

“Yes, oh. What’s this about your house being robbed?” Katherine’s blue-gray eyes pierced Gabriel’s.

“An intruder disabled our house alarm and broke in. He didn’t take anything, but we surprised him and chased him from the house.”

“It’s a wonder you weren’t hurt! Thank goodness. And Julia and Clare are all right?”

“Yes. We’re having the security system upgraded and decided not to return to the house for a while, in case the thief comes back.”

Katherine clucked her tongue. “That’s terrible.”

“Yes.” Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck.