“We would go,” Gabriel corrected. “They’re setting things up for March or April. We could schedule the interviews around your workshop at Oxford and take Rebecca with us, or give her holidays and just go ourselves.”

“I’d like that.”

“We could go to the British Museum and explore its dark corners.” Gabriel lifted his eyebrows suggestively.

“And get arrested.” Julia laughed. “It will be spring then, which means we can take the stroller for Clare and walk around London.”

“Good. I’ll email Eleanor and talk about dates. Now, what does Mommy want for dinner?”

“Spring rolls?”

“Not takeaway. The princess and I are going to cook and listen to opera.” Gabriel danced in a circle with the baby.

“Pasta?” Julia suggested, getting to her feet.

“An excellent suggestion. You can r

elax by the fire, darling. Leave the cooking to us.”

“Oh no.” Julia grinned. “This I want to see.”

She followed Gabriel and Clare into the kitchen as the strains of Pavarotti performing Puccini’s “Nessun dorma” emanated from the stereo system.

* * *

After attending Mass with his family the following morning, Gabriel closeted himself in his home office in order to make a phone call.

“Cassirer.” The lightly accented voice answered Gabriel’s call.

“Nicholas, it’s Gabriel Emerson calling from America. How are you?”

“Gabriel, good to hear from you. I’m well, thank you.”

“And your parents? How are they?”

Nicholas paused. “They are managing. They spend most of their time abroad.”

“I’m so sorry.” Gabriel’s voice was sympathetic.

“How is your family?”

“Julianne is well. Our daughter was born in September. We named her Clare.”

“Congratulations. That’s excellent news. I’ll pass it on to my parents.”

“Please do.” Gabriel cleared this throat. “I’m afraid my family is why I’m calling you.”

Gabriel quickly explained the background of his interactions with Simon Talbot and his latest move to Zurich. “I need the name of someone trustworthy I can hire for surveillance.”

“Surveillance?” Nicholas repeated casually—all too casually.

“Just someone to keep tabs. I’m hoping he’ll lose interest in us with this recent move. But I want to be sure.”

“Let me make a few calls.”

“Thank you. Money isn’t a concern and I’d be happy to reimburse you for the introduction.”

“That isn’t necessary. Do you need someone in America, as well?”