“It’s right here.” She pointed at the nightstand.

Gabriel walked around the bed and retrieved a couple of pills from the bottle, handing them to her. Then he gave her a glass of water.

She swallowed the pills with the water.

“Anything else health-related?” he prompted, getting back into bed. He pulled her slowly so as not to disturb her ankle and helped her rest against his chest.

“I have fibroids, but Dr. Rubio said they shrank while I was pregnant. I had been taking an iron supplement but I don’t think I need it anymore. I’m supposed to go back for a checkup next September. Dr. Rubio will probably order an ultrasound.”

“Anything else?”

“No. You?”

“I’m in recovery for chemical dependency. I have anger management issues, concerns about the safety of my family, and one Italian endowed chair at Harvard whom I’d like to confront. There’s a driver of a black Nissan I’d like to punch.”

Julia winced. “Anything else?”

“I’ll sleep better when I know who has been stalking us.”

Julia buried her face against his shoulder. “Part of me doesn’t want to know about stuff like that. But it’s important you share this information so I don’t do something that would put us in jeopardy. I took Clare out in the stroller without you a few times. What if the car had followed us?”


?You’re right. It isn’t fair for me to be cross with you for keeping secrets when I’ve been doing the same thing.” He kissed her hair.

“So you aren’t cross with me?”

“I’m furious. It scared the hell out of me when the nurse told me you were seeing a neurologist. All kinds of scenarios went through my head—cancer, stroke, multiple sclerosis.” Gabriel cursed. “We are a family, you and I. Family is everything.”

“Okay.” Julia didn’t sound okay. “I want to say something. I know you don’t want to hear this, but I am hopeful that once Cecilia gets over her jealousy, she’ll sign off on me spending the fall semester in Edinburgh.”

“That’s a risky decision. I’d rather we confront her immediately.”

“Maybe when she’s around Graham Todd at the workshop in Oxford, she’ll change her mind.”

“That’s months away!” Gabriel sputtered. “If she doesn’t relent by then, it will be too late.”

“I want to try. I want you to let me try.”

“Fine.” Gabriel sounded exasperated. “If Cecilia refuses to help, I’m getting involved.”

“Gabriel, you know—”

“I’m giving your method a chance, but I want the option of using my method.”

“Your method is to intimidate her.”


“You promise?”


“Good.” Julia kissed him firmly and relaxed against his chest. Soon she fell asleep.

Gabriel lay awake for several hours, exploring scenarios that involved civil discourse and persuasion. But when his thoughts turned to the driver of the black Nissan, he contemplated radically different alternatives.

Chapter Forty-One