“There isn’t time,” Gabriel hissed.

Julia noted his agitated tone and decided not to press him. She tucked the blankets under her arm. “Should I call the police?”

“Not yet.” Gabriel kissed her on the forehead and pointed her toward the house. “Run.”

Julia switched on the flashlight and hurried into the woods.

Chapter Thirty-Six

Gabriel sprinted to the tree line. The moon favored him, pouring light above the trees, which dispersed to the ground below.


ses came from just ahead. Gabriel gave chase, but the figure wasn’t visible nor was any flashlight.

Gabriel knew the woods well. His long legs ate up the distance as he pulled closer and closer to the source of the sounds.

And then the noises stopped.

Gabriel slowed, turning his head in an effort to discern any possible clue. The moon chose that moment to hide and the woods were dark. He could barely see a short distance in front of him.

He stood next to a tree and waited, listening for any movement. A breath of wind whispered through the trees. His heart pounded in his chest.

Someone was out there. Someone had come across him and Julianne in the clearing. Someone who drove a black Nissan was stalking him.

Now he was standing in the woods effectively playing a game of chicken with an unseen intruder.

He inched forward, placing his feet carefully to avoid stepping on a branch. He circled around where he thought the trespasser might be, hoping to use the power of surprise.

But when he came to the center of the circle, there was no one to be found. Unless the intruder had dematerialized, Gabriel must have lost him. After thirty minutes of searching, he gave up.

He switched directions, walking quickly and quietly back to the clearing, and then skirted it, heading toward the house.

He was almost to the edge of the back lawn when he came across something he had not expected—Julianne’s flashlight, still lit, lying on the ground.

Panicking, he cast around until he found her, lying a few feet away.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Oh my God!” Rachel flew from the sink to the back door, suds and soapy water dripping from her hands.

She ran out onto the back deck, just as Gabriel crossed the lawn, carrying Julia in his arms.

“What happened?” Rachel ran to her brother’s side, noting that Julia was conscious, but her pale face was pinched in pain.

“I think she broke her ankle.” Gabriel’s words were clipped, as if he, too, were in pain. His hair was disheveled, his coat streaked with dirt, and mud was spattered across his jeans.

“What about you? Did you fall?”

Gabriel ignored Rachel’s question and brushed past her and Richard, carrying Julia into the house.

Scott, Tammy, and Aaron were all gathered in the kitchen.

“I tripped over a branch.” Julianne gave the group a sheepish look. “And then I couldn’t get up. I would have called for help, but I left my cell phone upstairs.”

“Can you put weight on it?” Aaron stepped forward, a concerned look on his face.

Julia shook her head.