“You startled me. And it was hot in there.”

“It certainly was.” Gabriel leaned down to kiss her forehead. “You swooned in my arms, which was greatly enjoyable.”

“Naughty professor.”

“Absolutely. I am, in fact, a very naughty professor. But not when you’re ill.” He brushed her hair away from her face. “Now, are we going to the emergency room?”

“I need to finish my shower.” She peered down at the sheets in dismay. “We need to wash the sheets.”

“I’ll look after it.” He stood and paused, still holding her hand. “And I’ll help you shower.”

She looked up at him with such relief it almost broke his heart.

She slid to the edge of the bed. He helped her to her feet and escorted her back into the bathroom.

The shower was still running and the shower doors were fogged. Gabriel quickly removed the pink flamingo (which had showered enough) and placed it next to the bathtub. Then he divested himself of his wet towel before helping Julia into the shower. He followed, closing the door behind him.

She looked up at him wistfully. “It’s been a while since we showered together.”

“We need to remedy that. And I need to buy more chocolate body paint.” Gabriel hazarded a small smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He was scrutinizing Julia like a mother hen.

He lifted her hand and placed it on his hip. “So you don’t fall over,” he explained.

Julia rubbed her thumb over his damp skin.

He positioned her so she was under the spray, wetting her hair once again. His thumb gently stroked her forehead, as light as a blessing, before his fingers sifted through her dark brown strands. Then he squeezed shampoo into his palm and began to apply it to the crown of her head.

“Roses,” he breathed.

“It’s new.” Julia spoke with her eyes closed, leaning into him.

“I miss the vanilla.”

“The shower gel is vanilla.”

“Excellent.” Gabriel’s gaze darted to the tiles beneath their feet, looking for blood. He was relieved when he didn’t see any.

He was leisurely in his movements. He massaged her scalp and lovingly worked the shampoo to the ends of her hair.

Julia lifted her other hand and placed it on his hip, clutching him for balance. Her nose came in contact with his pectorals and the delicate strands of hair that covered them. She nuzzled him.

After he rinsed her hair, he used her vanilla-scented soap to gently caress her shoulders, her swanlike neck, and her swollen breasts.

She opened her eyes.

“Are you still sore?” His thumbs hovered a respectful distance from her nipples.

“A little.”

Gabriel withdrew his hands to her waist, allowing the water to stream down her front, rinsing her breasts. He bent forward and kissed across her collarbone and down to her chest, studiously avoiding her nipples.

He poured more soap into his hands and lathered them, then washed her abdomen before examining her stitches. “They’re holding. I don’t see any problems.”

His hand drifted down to her tangle of curls, but he didn’t move between her legs. “And here?”

“Just be very gentle.”

Delicately, he washed in between her legs, staring watchfully into her eyes.