“How do human beings express love?”
“They write poems. They kiss. They have sex.” She smiled knowingly.
“Love and lust can be confused.”
“That’s true.”
“Washing feet can’t be confused with lust.” I squeezed her ankle.
Her right foot was part of her disability and it turned unfortunately to the side. I cupped water with my hand and poured it over her foot, using my fingers to smooth over the flesh.
“You can see it.” She gestured to her leg.
“Yes.” I withdrew her feet from the basin and rested them on my lap.
Our eyes met and she looked away.
I took my time, rubbing the cotton towels gently over her skin.
“It doesn’t matter to you, does it?” Her green eyes darted to her injured leg.
“It troubles me because it troubles you.” I leaned over and pressed my lips to the top of her foot. “But because it’s part of you, I embrace it. Fully.”
Raven inhaled deeply. A small droplet escaped the corner of her eye, coursing down her cheek.
I reached up to catch the tear with my sleeve.
She took my hand and kissed it, closing her eyes and pressing my palm to the side of her face.
I pulled her into my arms and she buried her face in my neck. I felt the wetness from her eyes and went still as she took her long, black hair and dried her tears from my skin.
She’d given me many gifts in our time together, but the greatest gift was her love.
“Thank you, Cassita,” I whispered, holding her to my heart.
Outtake: “Richard and Grace” from Gabriel’s Inferno by Sylvain Reynard
The scene takes place after Julia separates from her boyfriend, Simon, while studying at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia.
Grace Clark sat at her dressing table in her bathrobe, brushing her long hair and thinking. She was upset. She was worried. But she didn’t know what to do.
“Come to bed, love.”
She took her husband’s outstretched hand and followed him to the bed, divesting herself of her robe in the semidarkness and joining him naked between the sheets. She positioned herself on her side, running her fingers through the light dusting of chest hair that decorated his upper body.
“My love.” Richard grabbed her hand and kissed it softly. “Tell me what’s bothering you before I make you forget your troubles. You’re driving me crazy.”
Grace laughed. He knew her so well. She would absentmindedly glide gentle hands over his still muscular body in order to help her think better, but it had the opposite effect on him.
“Sorry, dear. I was thinking about Julia.”
Richard sighed and waited for her to elaborate, but he knew what was coming.
“She won’t return my calls. She won’t return Rachel’s calls. Tom says she’s holed up in a tiny apartment near campus and she’ll barely speak to him. I was thinking about driving up there to see her tomorrow and taking a care package.”
Richard was a thoughtful man, a quiet man. He gave his wife’s words his full consideration as she waited to hear his opinion. They were that attuned to one another. They were that much in love.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. If she’s retreating, it’s because she’s afraid. If you go to her home, you’ll be upsetting her in the one place in which she feels safe.”